
Thursday, January 12, 2017

Happy New Year!

Yeah, I know it's already 12th January! My children didn't finish school and college until 23rd December, which means they only went back to school and college on it really only four days ago? Why am I so tired?
Poor Eden had to go back to college on her birthday! She was less than impressed to say the least. I now have two adult children, since Eden turned 18 on Monday! It's a strange feeling.
Christmas was quiet (well as quiet as it gets around here!), and I did a lot of cosying up on the sofa, a bit of crocheting, but not a lot of anything else, which felt good. In fact so good I'm finding it rather hard to get back into the normal routine. Grey January skies certainly don't help.

I've been working on updating my wardrobe with clothes that feel good lately. I designed this dress to wear to our WI Christmas party. The bodice is princess line, and the skirt is full circle with extra panels and box pleats at the hips. The fabric is a waxed cotton. The dress uses a full 6 metres of fabric, most of which is in the skirt! I am also wearing a full petticoat in these photos and a store bought bow belt.
This feels fab on, really swishy and feminine. I love it! Of course as usual I want to tweak certain things.( but that's for another post)

I used the same pattern to make this dress. This time the bodice is lace underlined with black jersey for the main bodice, sleeves just lace and the skirt is made with some gorgeous vintage pinstripe suiting.
Again worn over a petticoat and with a belt.

I put in an exposed zip this time to juzz it up a bit. I think this is the least successful of the two dresses, but it will be a good addition to my work wardrobe.

I'm trying very hard right now to stay body positive while writing this. The reason I need to update my wardrobe is quite simply that nothing much in my existing wardrobe fits me anymore. I could easily (too easily) sit here and write an entire blog post about every flaw I can see when looking at these photos, but I wont.

Happy New Year lovely readers. Don't forget to follow me on instagram


  1. Happy New Year Jeanette! You look fab in both frocks, so please don't feel down about your body or size.

    I am finding my peri-menopausal middle to be a bit of a challenge, and am working on my diet, reducing sugar and carbs. Zoe Harcombe and GP Joanne McCormack are my go to places to read about diet/food.

  2. Yes! The good old peri menopause and it's many wonderful symptoms! I will look up those names. I am reducing sugar, let's hope that helps. X

  3. Please be body confident! You have a beautiful figure those curves are to die for!!! Plus your body made 6 beautiful children and that's someone to be thankful for!

    1. I second this exact comment. You look stunning!

  4. Thank you Frankie, what a lovely comment to leave. X

  5. I thought you had lost weight, you look fab in these dresses. Happy and healthy new year.

  6. You really look great ! A woman with great curves ! Happy New Year !

  7. Love that dress.

    Liz -

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