Very nearly walking

12:58 pm

Untitled, originally uploaded by indiaeden.

Ernest is taking his tentative first steps.
We finally had a little photoshoot with the outfit I designed for his birthday and didn't finish in time.

He looks cute, but he's currently playing a rough game with his big brother!

Don't be shy, say hello!


  1. He is just darling! Those were some great pics of him :)

  2. how can that be?!! almost walking! big boy!!! he is darling by the way!

  3. Dear, darling boy!!! And that is a pretty cute outfit his Mama made, too. :)

    Love seeing him,

    Cathy in Missouri

  4. Oh, he is the poster child for precious! He's gorgeous and I love his expressions :) Love the outfit, too!

  5. He is oh-so-cute and I love his dimply little knees! :-)

  6. No?! Already?!
    I can't believe it...and now he can reach higher up too I'm guessing...lots of new discoveries!

  7. :) he is wonderful

  8. Oh Jeanette he is so cute. And I love rompers. I didn't have any for Oscar because I just didn't see any in the shops when he was a titch. I had them for my eldest 22 years ago though, in fact I seem to remember my mother-in-law buying designer rompers and matching tights for him. Hard to believe he is a 6ft2 with a hairy chin now, where does the time go? E will be shaving before you know it haha.

  9. He is absolutely precious.

  10. oh bless him. So adorable :~)

  11. OMG! I cannot believe how much he has grown! Almost walking!? Sweet little man.. and love that he is already taking on his big brother!

  12. Those photos are so cute!

    Just letting you know that the package got here the other day -- thank you SO much! And thanks for the extra! xx

  13. He is *gorgeous* and the outfit is just lovely. Hoping to be back on the blogs more frequently now. Think of you often. xo

  14. Oh my, what an adorable outfit for an adorable little guy. I love that Peter pan collar and the little duckies. So cute...

    My sewing machine is languishing, neglected in the basement. I've tried to learn but I'm just terrible at it and I'm too impatient for the practice it needs to be become proficient. Instead of learning myself I like to look at all the cool stuff you make and admire your skill.

  15. gorgeous boy! Vivien has also finally decided to walk and it wasnt long enough before she began to run and now Im all over the place. Their milestones are bittersweet sometimes. XO

  16. He is just so completely and utterly adorable. Beautiful boy. And Toby looks like butter wouldn't melt too but loves to rugby tackle his nine year old brother!

  17. Jeanette, he is absolutely precious. xx

  18. How did I miss these photographs! He is SO gorgeous and I love the outfit.


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