When my friend Mary suggested we go for a vintage photo shoot at HMS Vintage in Salford, I thought it might be fun. Then I told my family and they all reminded me how much I hate having my photo taken, how I'm not very photogenic, I don't like having my face touched, and don't really like getting my hair done either!
Mary booked, and I started to panic. The day came and I tried to keep the controlling part of my personality under some control, but couldn't quite manage it and turned up at the studio with four dresses, four pairs of shoes, several changes of lingerie, and five or maybe six pairs of stockings in various denier.
Ian, the photographer met us outside and immediately put us at ease with his friendly manner. We were led up to the dressing and make up room where we met Ewa, the make up artist and hairdresser. Ewa was lovely and helped us choose and try on various outfits from the heavily laden clothes racks. Mary quickly found a couple of dresses she loved and one in particular that really suited her and she eventually wore for her photos.
I was a little more fussy, and despite trying on several outfits, nothing really felt right, so I decided to wear my Emery dress.

Mary had her hair and make up done first; victory rolls and classic 1940's make up. She looked beautiful.
Meanwhile Ian brought us, tea, sandwiches, cakes and a bottle of bubbly. I settled for a nice cup of tea, far too nervous at the prospect of the photo shoot to eat anything.
Once Mary's make up and hair were ready, she was whisked off to the photo studio and Ewa began my hair and make up.
Inspired by the Emery dress and my current bobbed hair Ewa suggested a 60's look. I'll be honest, I was a little unsure. I trusted Ewa, but I'm not at all used to handing over control for my hair and make up like that and it made me nervous! Poor Ewa, when she had finished I couldn't recognise myself in the mirror and I think she thought I hated it. I didn't at all, but I just couldn't quite take in the transformation, and was terrified of the shoot itself.

I needn't have worried so much. Ian was lovely. He could tell how uncomfortable I was in front of the camera and really helped me relax by guiding me through the poses and chatting to me, and really making me laugh. By the end of the shoot I was even almost enjoying it!
After the shoot, Mary and I got plenty of time to look through the photos and choose our favourites.
Mary's are so elegant and beautiful, this one particularly.

She looks stunning, am I allowed to admit I'm slightly envious of just how gorgeous she looks?
My photos are fab though, they really make me smile and remind me of a really fun day. I can't remember the last time my jaw actually ached from laughing so much. HMS Vintage get a huge thumbs up from Mary and me, a great fun way to spend an afternoon.