I did wonder if I could upload these quilts direct to spoonflower to make cheaters quilts, but the sizes are all a bit squiffy, shame really, it could be interesting I think. (Though I may be alone with that thought.)
These were made with my Flossies Garden designs, not all sucessful, but fun to play with the colours and shapes so instantly.
I am still trying to take photos of the childen each week, can't say I'm very happy with the results so far, but I wont get any better unless I keep trying.

Ernest turned 18 months at the beginning of the week, and today Florence would be 30 months, 2 1/2 years old.
I keep thinking of things I might want to say about that, but I can't find just the right words, and anyway, I'm pretty sure I've said it all before, over and over, and over again.
Thank goodness for Angie, and Catherine, and my other babyloss friends who say it all so much better than I can.
Ernest is such a busy little fellow, and I've discovered that staying one step ahead of him is what's required before chaos reigns.
I admit, I've been a little slow to realise this. I rather stupidly expected Ernest to be just like my big boys, placid, calm and happy to play quietly at my feet as I potter, I hate to admit it, but I thought a couple of children back that I had this whole parenting lark pretty figured out, at least as far as babies were concerned. I think it's safe to say that Florence and Ernest have taught me that actually I knew very little.
Today I captured a few of our busy moments.
Playing with gloop gave me enough time to clear away the breakfast things.

Ernest hasn't played with cornflour gloop before, and wouldn't touch it. He was fascinated though, and used the spoon to mix and pour.

When he'd had enough of that, he got to finish off the washing up while I put on another load of laundry.

Time finally for a snack, but Ernest wanted to butter his own toast.

I just love the concentration on his face in all of these photos, and mostly I'm just so very glad he's here to surprise me, and teach me how to be his Mummy. x
I admit, I've been a little slow to realise this. I rather stupidly expected Ernest to be just like my big boys, placid, calm and happy to play quietly at my feet as I potter, I hate to admit it, but I thought a couple of children back that I had this whole parenting lark pretty figured out, at least as far as babies were concerned. I think it's safe to say that Florence and Ernest have taught me that actually I knew very little.
Today I captured a few of our busy moments.
Playing with gloop gave me enough time to clear away the breakfast things.

Ernest hasn't played with cornflour gloop before, and wouldn't touch it. He was fascinated though, and used the spoon to mix and pour.

When he'd had enough of that, he got to finish off the washing up while I put on another load of laundry.

Time finally for a snack, but Ernest wanted to butter his own toast.

I just love the concentration on his face in all of these photos, and mostly I'm just so very glad he's here to surprise me, and teach me how to be his Mummy. x
Green Soup, attractive name too eh? This is one of my family's favourites, it's really simple, really tasty and only about 90 calories a bowl, if my fitness pal is to be trusted.
Of course, if like me you have it with croutons and a bread roll warm from the oven slathered with butter, those 90 calories have increased somewhat!
1 tbsp olive oil
1 medium onion diced
1 large courgette grated
1 bowl of frozen peas
1 bowl of frozen spinach
stock cube (we use Kallo organic veg stock)
Simply heat the oil in a large pan, add the chopped onion, and the grated courgette.
Cook gently then add the nutmeg and the stock, plus enough water to make up the soup. (I use a kettle full, plus a little bit...how's that for technical?)
Add the peas and the spinach and simmer for approx 20 minutes.
Blend and serve with warm crusty bread and maybe a swirl of cream if you fancy it.
I haven't just been making soup today, I've also been chasing chickens around the garden after their enclosure blew down, and I finally put the snaps on the nappies I made for Ernest last week.

All in all a not too shabby day.
Of course, if like me you have it with croutons and a bread roll warm from the oven slathered with butter, those 90 calories have increased somewhat!
1 tbsp olive oil
1 medium onion diced
1 large courgette grated
1 bowl of frozen peas
1 bowl of frozen spinach
stock cube (we use Kallo organic veg stock)
Simply heat the oil in a large pan, add the chopped onion, and the grated courgette.
Cook gently then add the nutmeg and the stock, plus enough water to make up the soup. (I use a kettle full, plus a little bit...how's that for technical?)
Add the peas and the spinach and simmer for approx 20 minutes.
Blend and serve with warm crusty bread and maybe a swirl of cream if you fancy it.
I haven't just been making soup today, I've also been chasing chickens around the garden after their enclosure blew down, and I finally put the snaps on the nappies I made for Ernest last week.

All in all a not too shabby day.
After seeing the beautiful photographs a friend took of her four children last year, I have been inspired to try and do the same this year with my children.
Not so easy!
Firstly there is the problem of including Florence. I decided eventually that we will include her by including her little bunny that usually sits next to her photograph in my bedroom.
I thought maybe the bunny could be like the Usbourne duck, always included, but not always obvious....we'll see how that works out.
With a brief spell of good light in the lounge this morning, I quickly gathered the children together for a simple shot on the sofa...well it was meant to be simple!
63 shots later, and the pic above is the best shot, I think I've got my work cut out with this lot!
Cold Fingers,
Cold Toes,
Pink Sky,
Pink Nose..... Shirley Hughes
A wintery walk to work off all those chocolates, and blow away the excesses of Christmas ready for work and school this week.
This year promises change.
Woody starts a new job on Tuesday which will hopefully mean he'll be happier than he has been for some time in his old job.
My lovely friends and I are moving our community babywearing library, Slinging In The Rain to a lovely new Venue, and running it weekly alongside our new Venture, The Sling School.
I will be starting work as a childminder looking after one little boy who I already love like he is my own.
I will be working towards and hopefully qualifying at something very close to my heart, but which I can't really talk about yet.
And I'm also head full of ideas for my little Flossie's Garden.....We are getting those extra hours in the day this year I hope?
India will be finishing her GCSE's this Summer, and has great plans for her prom dress, which I will be making if she doesn't drive me potty before then. Heather was a much easier customer for her wedding dress.
I think last night was the first New Years Eve I've stayed awake until Midnight in several years.
We went to the cemetery at dusk , taking roses and another ice lantern for Florence.
We tidied up the christmas tree and decorations
We shared our usual Saturday night pizza, and settled down to watch a movie with the children. I admit, I did fall asleep during the movie...Horrid Henry not recommended if you are over maybe 8 years old! (I only really watched to catch a glimpse of Noel Fielding, but even he didn't spark my interest much, he was looking like a rather portly child catcher, very dissapointing!)
Sid and Ernest were both snoring by 10pm, but Angus and the big girls stayed up until midnight.
The sky was full of fireworks and lots of sky lanterns. I can't help seeing sky lanterns (or balloons) as representing someone loved and lost, so seeing all those lanterns floating across the sky was quite lovely , but also poignant.
Today, I will be taking down the last of the Christmas decorations, wrapping carefully in tissue all the beautiful ornaments we have collected for Florence over the past three years.
We are so blessed to have friends who remember Florence with us all year round, and then others near and far who send decorations. Thank you, you know who you are. x
And from us this year:
Wishing all who read here a peaceful and beautiful 2012.
Quiltr is fun quilt making with your flickr photos.
Check it out here.