I found this website a few weeks ago, and this month I decided to join in. (Click on the link above to learn more.)
What has helped you through out this new life the most. Is it your family? your faith? Support groups? A ritual? Music? Physical activity? A new interest? It could be anything. Tell us about how whatever it is has helped you. Please feel free to share photo's,videos, websites, support group information and so on.
I'm not sure how to answer this.Everything is still so fresh, we are just beginning to work out how our new normal is going to be.
The support of family and friends has been invaluable. Friends that will sit with me at my kitchen table, drink tea and let me waffle on, and cry. Friends that will send me emails, (and texts) and not get upset when I haven't the strength to reply.Friends far and near,who I know are willing me on.
Then, of course there are my older children. They, and Woody are the reason I get up every morning and fight through every day.They are the joy in my life, and I find my heart bursting with love one moment and ripped out with pain the next.
As for rituals, well we go to Florence's grave a lot. I like to keep it looking pretty. We light candles there for her and leave her fresh flowers, roses are a favourite.
We also light candles at home.
Sid has little rituals, he likes to "read" Florence's memory book, and he likes to name all the family members on a glass necklace I wear in the shape of a hugging family of seven...the littlest member is violet coloured, that's Florence.
I love Sid's four year old "matter of fact" way of talking about Florence, we grown ups could learn a lot from him.
The children have all also already decided that we will have chocolate birthday cake every year on Florence's birthday. That's of course a long way off yet,but it's important to them.