I started knitting this scarf a few weeks ago.Woody had gone out for the evening so I sat in bed knitting,drinking tea and watching Brief Encounter.
I used yarn I bought a few years ago,it's Jacob Sheep yarn,so it's not been dyed,it's the colour of the wool in it's natural state.
I love the lanoliny smell when I bury my face in it.
I wanted a long and snuggly scarf for the school runs,and I actually finished knitting this a couple of weeks ago,but couldn't decide how to finish the ends. I initially envisioned large pom poms,but finally decided on fringe after wearing the scarf unfinished for the past two weeks.
Last night I added the fringe, so now it's all ready for our weekend away in the woods.
I made this for Eden to wear on her beret,but now she can't find her beret!
Made from felted wool scraps and a button.
Just thought I'd add this cos I love it! Still fine tuning the design,but when I'm done I'll add a tutorial here.
Outer is gorgeous japanese cotton, a scrap left over from other projects, lined with bright purple needlecord. I used heavy canvas as a stabilising layer.
The snack/lunch bags I have been making lately are, I've discovered great for carrying those essentials like purse, keys and phone when I don't want to carry my whole handbag. They are also fab for keeping purse, keys and phone in, and popping into whichever handbag I'm using on any given day. I hate having to swap everything from one bag to another,but using one of these handy little wristlets is great and makes swaping things over simple and quick.
So, with that in mind, I've whipped up a couple for Mummy's out there who might like something pretty for themselves. available in my Etsy shop now.
Oh yes, they are just the right size to hold sock knitting too.
Sid wore his new trousers to mini movers today (toddler gym class),and they fit great. I had to roll up the legs a little,I've made them with lots of growing room,so they should last the winter. I like this pattern,and I think with a couple more adjustments I'll use it again.
The fabric is what really makes this pair so great though,so we'll have to wait and see how they look in less extravagant fabric.
Only time to post quickly,should really be feeding my children a nourishing dinner ( hmmm, wonder what's in the freezer? )
Cut these out weeks ago,and finally got around to sewing them up this afternoon.
The pattern is "Kalle" Outdoor Pants from Ottobre Autumn 2008. I didn't stick rigidly to the pattern,I never do,but these have turned out pretty well really.
Rubbish pics, it's too dark for decent pics,so I'll try and get some better modelled ones tomorrow. You get the idea though I hope.
...take a look over to the left of the screen,I've just listed some bargains over at my Etsy store, and I'm letting my readers here know first.
Popping on quickly to show off my first attempt at needle felting. India likes it.
I've had yet another super busy week this week,and I've a super busy weekend to look forward to.
I have been sewing between other commitments,but nothing much I can share right now apart from this bucket storage bag I whipped up this afternoon out of the last piece of my Dahlia spoonflower fabric.
I might do a tutorial for these when I get a minute.
Have a good weekend everyone!
So back from the shops,and here is my haul. Wool jumpers were sadly hard to find,shame you can't felt acrylic,there was lots of that in such lovely colours.
I did find this great old dressing gown though,only £1,and there's loads of lovely fabric there to make Sid some warm trousers for the winter,plus those pretty buttons.
And finally, I spotted these pretty side plates, 5 for £1.50. I love that retro design and the colours are perfect.
Now I must do some work......
Yesterday as I was pondering several projects in my head and wondering when on earth I'll ever get time to start even one of them, it dawned on me that I'm just a glutton! I want to have a go at everything, sewing, felting,knitting,crochet,printmaking,painting,designing....the list goes on!
Sometimes (like yesterday) my head is swimming with ideas, and I swing emotionally from excitement to depression when I realise that there are actually only 24 hours in a day,and most of those hours are taken up with living life.
I have made the decision however to book myself on a printmaking workshop. An artist I know runs them from her studio,and next time I see her (our children go to the same school), I'm going to be brave and ask her about booking one...why brave? Well, I'm very very nervous of working in public. I really love this particular artists work,and I'm not at all confident about my own artistic abilities.
Hopefully booking a workshop might give me the boot up the bum I need to work on my sketchbooks, sadly neglected of late.
Right well, that's my Saturday morning ramble,I'm off to hunt for wool to felt in the local charity shops,once I'm dressed.
Have a good Saturday!
Sometimes (like yesterday) my head is swimming with ideas, and I swing emotionally from excitement to depression when I realise that there are actually only 24 hours in a day,and most of those hours are taken up with living life.
I have made the decision however to book myself on a printmaking workshop. An artist I know runs them from her studio,and next time I see her (our children go to the same school), I'm going to be brave and ask her about booking one...why brave? Well, I'm very very nervous of working in public. I really love this particular artists work,and I'm not at all confident about my own artistic abilities.
Hopefully booking a workshop might give me the boot up the bum I need to work on my sketchbooks, sadly neglected of late.
Right well, that's my Saturday morning ramble,I'm off to hunt for wool to felt in the local charity shops,once I'm dressed.
Have a good Saturday!
I'll admit I'm not entirely happy with this project. I started to make this bag at the weekend,the idea had been formulating in my mind for a while,but I'm just not sure I like the final product.
The fabric is my design, printed by spoonflower,and although I was and indeed still am very pleased with how this design printed,I can see now how I'd like to make improvements. The scale of the repeat is just too large for a bag,and I think I'd also prefer a colour in the background rather than plain white.
The bag is very large and capacious...I was working on the theory that a large bag would make me look smaller...LOL
I used soft needlecord for the "yoke" and straps,and lined the bag with blue/grey silk dupion.
I think this bag will make a great shopper or weekend bag, especially as the straps are long enough to wear across the body.
Super busy here with family,work and other stuff,but I did have a lovely fabric delivery yesterday.
I got a little sewing done this afternoon, nothing fancy just a quick and easy wrap skirt in some soft needlecord and with an accent print.
I wanted to add some ric rac to this,but I only had orange or red...must buy more ric rac.
Not my best work,but it's a winter skirt to add to my wardrobe,and it should go nicely with my yellow shoes.
Really should've made the effort to change thread for the ties though.
I haven't managed a single piece of sewing this week ,it's just been one of those weeks where I've not stopped,but have very little to show for how busy I've been.
I do notice the difference in myself if I haven't been doing something creative for a few days, I get all jittery and feel very disconnected.
Today's post will hopefully rectify that , look what arrived this morning!
I entered a give away on Michelle's blog a little while ago,and I won this gorgeous fabric! Look at the cute little note pad too, it matches my lunch bag!
I think this fat quarter is going to be a little window decoration for my bathroom, the colours are perfect.
I also got another parcel of fabric, this is mostly destined for Zidees. I have more on the way too, a few more "manly" prints,and some Echino.
Also look what my lovely hubby brought me back from The Might Boosh gig he went to last night.
Not as good as being able to go myself, (babysitter woes.) but thoughtful anyway, not sure when I'm going to stop feeling jelous though that Noel Fielding touched the back of Woody's head during a performance of Eels.
Finally, and yes I will shut up in a minute and do something more productive, how do you organise your recycling? This is my teetering pile of recycling waiting to be sorted into the tubs in our cellar.