on my wall this morning

8:13 am

on my wall this morning, originally uploaded by indiaeden.

I was very brave, and got rather close to this beautiful moth, I held my breath that the shutter on the camera wouldn't make him fly...he has since crawled off down the side of my bed...eeek!

Look at these beautiful roses India took photos of on our walk in the park yesterday.





Hope these make up a little for lack of sewing pics...the sewing machines are actually under their dust covers for the first time in a very very long time.....

Don't be shy, say hello!


  1. beautiful pics.....when I was 9 months PG at this time of year I found thinking of flowers opening and roses blooming made me think of the blooming and unfurling we do when we give birth.....

  2. Fiona, that's a lovely thought. I will think of these roses when i'm in labour.
    Might even print some to focus on.

  3. Lovely pictures! I took some naked pregnancy photos when I had that big beautiful tummy. I've got one with the tummy and my hand holding snowdrops. When those little white flowers appear every year, it warms my heart. What a wonderful idea using them to focus on :)
    Sending love and support.


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