A few days later

11:26 am

Untitled, originally uploaded by indiaeden.

And I'm ok. The run up to Florence's birthday was hard, so many ghosts. The day itself was calm and mostly ok.
We got up early,( I woke at 4.54am exactly) packed our picnic and Florence's flowers, and headed off to the cemetery via the balloon shop.

I almost burst into tears when the lady in the balloon shop asked if the balloons were for a birthday, but I didn't, and she quickly understood my mumbled reply and was very kind.

Of course, I should've bought spare balloons, not two minutes down the road and one had popped! Not really surprising with a car full of seven people, a picnic, a large bunch of flowers and eight helium filled balloons.

The cemetery was quiet, and sunny. We arranged the flowers, and the children blew bubbles left over from my brothers wedding. Then we let the balloons go.

There were seven balloons, only six made it to the cemetery in one piece!

We didn't plan it, but it just happened that we timed the balloon release for the time she died.

After the cemetery we headed off to Florence's wood for a picnic and a walk.

Florence's wood through the flowers

On the way home, both Woody and I were hit by a huge wave of exhaustion. I still forget just what a slog grief can be. Two years out and it's still so tiring, such toil.

Woody and I watched the sunrise on Saturday morning, and that's when the tears came.

Thank you Mary. x

I want to say thank you so much to everyone who remembered with us. We came home to flowers and cards, and messages, and they mean so much to us.

Thank you Maxine and Rachel.x

We love you baby girl x

Don't be shy, say hello!


  1. Happy birthday Florence. Hope you enjoyed the sunshine and balloons and endless love from your mum and dad and brothers and sisters.

  2. Hi Jeanette
    I,m a bit late posting but I was thinking of you all on friday. Big hugs. xxxx

  3. Ok is good, sounds like a beautiful day xx


  4. beautiful, all of it. love to you

  5. Balloons, flowers, and a sunrise. Perfect for a beautiful girl x

  6. What a beautiful way to remember a beautiful girl. xx

  7. Little Florence. You made it such a beautiful day for her. Sending lots of love xxxh

  8. I'm so sorry for the loss of your precious beautiful girl. You had a lovely celebration for her. xoxo

  9. I have been thinking of you and baby Florence.

  10. sorry for posting so late - my heart is aching reading your post......I do understand how you feel. The 'we love you baby girl' has brought tears to my eyes. It is overwhelmingly exhausting, draining and just plain shitty xxxxxx


Hi, I love to hear from readers, hate to think I'm talking to myself here, so don't be shy say hello!