
7:55 am

Pondering...., originally uploaded by indiaeden.

When I first heard of Spoonflower a few months ago,I tried not to get too excited. I haven't designed fabrics for printing in a long while,and back in the days when I was designing,we used paint brushes,gouache,and then set squares and tracing paper to work out the repeat!
So all the talk of pixels and JPEG's and TIF's sent my head in a spin!
I pushed all thoughts of Spoonflower out of my head until last week when a friend reminded me. I registered and got my invite almost immediately...arhhh! I wasn't expecting that!
Now my head is in a spin again! I NEED to do this,but my cobwebby old brain is struggling!

Don't be shy, say hello!


  1. Oh no! This looks wonderful...another thing to add to my 'to do' lists!
    Keep on pondering!


Hi, I love to hear from readers, hate to think I'm talking to myself here, so don't be shy say hello!