Time for tea...or coffee?

6:41 pm

Time for tea...or coffee?, originally uploaded by indiaeden.

Sometimes what's really needed is a cuppa with a friend, a packet of jaffa cakes and a good cry. Thank you L. x

It's a shame I didn't have this lovely coffee set in time for our cuppa this morning.My charity shop treat, and it goes beautifully with the cake stand I inherited from my grandad.

I don't drink coffee, but I think I could use this set for tea, or maybe hot chocolate!

Meanwhile, it looks pretty on my dresser.

My charity shop find.

Don't be shy, say hello!


  1. That is a beautiful set. What a find!!!
    Friends like that are the best kind.

  2. That is beautiful!! I love it!

  3. This is lovely. I have an orange and brown set (70's much? lol), in a cupboard somewhere. I should really put it on display. I don't drink coffee either, hot chocolate is a good idea.

  4. I love the colors. What a happy lil' set! :)

  5. oooo you jammy esom, i love it. Enjoy x

  6. Love, love, love this! I'll be around for a cuppa soon!


Hi, I love to hear from readers, hate to think I'm talking to myself here, so don't be shy say hello!