Me Made May '14

9:38 am

 This year, like many others I am taking part in Me Made May. I have pledged to try and wear at least one me made item of clothing each day of May. I wear a lot of me made clothing anyway, but maybe not usually every day. The reason I'm taking part this year is because I want to figure out what gaps there are in my me made wardrobe. I already have a good idea that I don't sew enough with solids, and I don't sew enough basics, relying too much on certain super cheap high street stores for things like stretchy tees and cardigans, though I also buy a lot from charity shops too.
If you'd like to know more about Me Made May '14 then click the button below.


May began on Thursday and I had an important meeting in Manchester where I needed to feel good , so I wore my Anemone skirt which I love. I wore it with a stretchy long sleeved t shirt from the high street, opaque tights and black loafers. I'm thinking I might need to buy the new Nettie pattern by Closet Case Patterns, and start replacing these stretchy tee's.

Me Made May 2014 Week 1

Yesterday I wore my trusty Fall For Cotton make . I think I need to make this dress up in some summery fabrics.
Today I'm wearing jeans! I almost never wear jeans, but I wanted to wear my Stretch Banksia and I have a distinct lack of solid skirts I could wear with it. The cardigan, shoes and headscarf are all from charity shops.

Anticipating Me Made May and my lack of solid fabrics in my stash I did nip in to Abakhan the other day with the intention of buying solids, I came away with these....


I need help! Tell me, what are your favourite solid fabrics to work with and where do you buy them?

Don't be shy, say hello!


  1. Just followed your link to the Nettie and noticed there has been an update (10 May) to the pattern on her blog. I love your outfits so far and look forward to seeing more throughout May. I'm just dipping my feet in dressmaking after decades not doing any and therefore am no help on fabric choices. I look forward to seeing what you make with your spotty material - are these cotton? Liz x

    1. Hi Liz. The spotty fabrics are stretch poly, will probably be tops of some description eventually!

    2. I look forward to seeing them when you've had time to make them. I've just bought a really good book 'Fit for Real People' by Pati Palmer and Marta Alto - hopefully it'll help me to produce a good fit (fingers crossed) Liz x

  2. Oooh! Ok, so I'm late to the party, but my favorite solids are from the Michael Miller Cotton Couture line. Admittedly, they don't have any stretch (which I like in my pants), but they have beautiful colors and SUCH a nice hand!


Hi, I love to hear from readers, hate to think I'm talking to myself here, so don't be shy say hello!