Sorbetto as a starting point

4:20 pm

blouse and skirt 2

Some days I need to sew, I'm certain I've mentioned that here more than once before. I sew for lots of reasons, because I prefer the fit of clothes I make to that of ready to wear, because I like having a wardrobe of clothes that are not like anyone elses, because I like the challenge and the process of making, and often because it is like a meditation, it calms my spirit, and eases my soul. Those are the days I'm so very glad I was taught well, and can make up simple garments without thinking. Those are the days I most need to feel the satisfaction of blades cutting through fabric, and that comforting hum of the sewing machine.

Yesterday was one of those days. This time of year is full of ghosts, bittersweet memories and too much sadness. I don't run away from the sad, it needs to be sat with sometimes, and I can do that better if I just sew.

 blouse and skirt

I'd been thinking of making the Colette Sorbetto for a while. I had a small piece of the gorgeous cotton lawn I used last summer for my Hawthorn dress and thought I could squeeze a simple blouse out of it, luckily there was enough to also add sleeves.

I cut out a size 12, did my usual full bust adjustment (FBA), and removed the centre pleat. (If I make another I think I will add the pleat back in and make a faux placket, or perhaps pin tucks instead of the pleat.

The lace collar was salvaged from a ready to wear blouse I've had for several years and was getting rather tatty. I used bias binding made from the blouse fabric to finish the neckline.

 2014-08-04 16.33.58-2

Having finished the blouse I realised I had nothing much to wear with it, so fishing some lightweight wool suiting out of my fabric stash and using the By Hand London circle skirt app
I whipped up a simple circle skirt with a wide waistband, and left it to hang overnight in my shed.

 2014-08-04 19.18.47-2

This morning I nipped out there in my slippers and nightie to hem the skirt so I could wear the whole outfit today.

 2014-08-05 08.35.10-2

I'm really pleased with both items. How great is it that sewing helps heal my mood and I get something lovely to wear too? I know I can't be alone feeling this way, I'd love to hear from others out there who use sewing as their safe place.

Of course a circle skirt demands a certain amount of twirling too!

blouse and skirt 4

blouse and skirt 3

Don't be shy, say hello!


  1. Anonymous4:50 pm

    I adore your new outfit! I would love to snap up some of that cotton lawn - any idea who makes it? Sewing is definitely therapeutic and meditative for me. There have been (and still are) times when it both soothes and rejuvenates my soul. Sending you happy thoughts and hugs during this sad time.

    1. Thank you Sarah. I'd love to tell you how to buy that cotton lawn, but I've no idea who makes it or what it is called. I bought it on Ebay a little over a year ago, and haven't seen any since, sorry. :(

  2. Lovely Jeanette. Anything creative with my hands helps as a soother at times, I consider myself lucky. xxx

  3. It has kept me going! I lost my son eight years and sewing has helped me so much. It has given me something positive to fill my head with, I do more planning than sewing! It has helped to put some purpose back in my life. Lovely outfit.

    1. Mags I am so sorry you lost your son, a mother's grief, a parent's grief is like no other. Sending you love. x

  4. I too have found the meditative quality of sewing a great help through the last few years of first one, then the other of my parents suffered debilitating illness and subsequent bereavements. Sewing still makes me feel closer to my mum as she taught me. I send you good wishes and strength for this difficult time of year for you. I do love that twirling skirt! Looks like a good transition outfit for Autumn too

    1. Minnando, I'm glad you feel closer to your Mum as you sew. Thank you for commenting x

  5. Sewing and crocheting are both very therapeutic for me. I had a really bad Summer in 2010 that was a 'crawling out of the pit by just my fingernails' kind of thing, we were living in a 30' travel trailer for several months after a move across the country (with a dog and two active sons), and I distinctly remember putting myself in my vehicle, driving 20 miles to the craft store, and then standing there and choosing colours for a blanket. I walked away from the colours, back, studied, removed, added new, asked passers-by opinions, decided, and paid for the yarn. I then went directly to a coffee shop, cast on over 200 stitches, and zoned out. Three weeks later I had a completed queen-size blanket into which I had cast all of my angst. I thought it would be difficult to look at, considering the emotion that I processed through whilst making it, but just the opposite. It's the softest, most comforting blanket in the house. It's the one all of my men reach for when they're not feeling well, it's the one I want for afternoon naps, and it's my most-viewed and best-loved of all of my ravelry projects. Whenever life gets too stressful for me, or something unsettling pops up, or I find myself irritated for no reason, usually I haven't been carving out time for handiwork. When I do, I immediately feel my shoulders relaxing and suddenly life looks a little less menacing. So, sew on, Jeannette. We all stand in good company with each other. :)
    Shani x
    Illinois, USA

    1. Shani, I love that you have shared that snippet here, thank you. You made me smile.


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