Weekend Doris

11:28 am

doris 3

Despite my less than flattering attempts to re create a sweater and dress from a vintage sweater last weekend, I simply could not let this idea go. When my friend Jayne sent me a pin of the most wonderful mid weight quilted cloqué jersey dress fabric, I knew it would be perfect for this vintage style.

 2015-01-13 13.52.58-1

I re drafted the pattern with a lower and therefore hopefully more flattering neckline, and also adjusted the underarm and side seams to accomodate my bust, but skim my waist and end in an A line hem, to hopefully balance my top heavy figure.
I also added pockets.

2015-01-16 11.29.23-1

I decided against adding a zip in the back. The dress no longer needed it with the lower neckline, but I think an exposed zipper would be a nice design feature at the back, especially if I could get one with a silver ring as a pull....very 60's!

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I'm mostly very pleased with this version, I adore the fabric, the lower neckline is much better, and I like the neckband as a finish on this fabric.

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I also still love the 3/4 length sleeves and band finish.

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I like the size and positioning of the pockets, but I think having them double layered was a mistake. They pull in the side seam too much and spoil the line of the skirt.
The hem too, is not perfect. I pondered adding a band to the hem, but didn't want a sweatshirt style look...although that is an option for future makes with this pattern.

doris 4

This pattern still needs a little refining, it needs to come in a bit at the side seams, especially at the waist, and maybe take the A line in a little further too.
Mostly though I'm pretty pleased with it. Really not the most flattering dress on me, but as a Weekend Doris dress I think it is almost there.

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  1. you are far too self critical - dress looks lovely on you.
    Love the fabric & colour
    Another hit for the wardrobe!

    1. Thanks Nicky, the fabric is gorgeous. x

  2. Agreed, you are far too self critical! This looks fab and I adore the colour. I also prefer the hem without a hem band, as they always look a bit strange somehow. Neckline looks super flattering on this one x

    1. Thanks Marilla, yes I'm not usually a fan of bands on the hem, nice to know I'm not the only one.

  3. Anonymous9:19 pm

    I love this dress! The fabric is gorgeous, as is the colour. It looks great!

    1. Thank you Sarah, yes the fabric was a great find.

  4. Anonymous10:19 pm

    This is so cute. And of course I love the fabric :-)

    1. Clearly we both have excellent taste in fabric. :)

  5. I like the fabric/color and the pattern. It does look nice on you!

    1. Thank you Judi, it really isn't my usual style, but I feel comfortable, but still dressed in it, so that is a big plus.

  6. It looks so comfy and snugly. Love the fabric and colour.

  7. I love dresses like these. They are comfortable and yet you look very ladylike and put together. A winner in my book :)


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