More pressies

6:32 pm

Wristlet Bag, originally uploaded by indiaeden.

A matching "Mummy On The go" wristlet bag, and some little cotton trousers for the baby.

Goofy trousers front

These are the "Goofy" pants from the current issue of Ottobre. I really enjoyed sewing these up.the pattern is simple,but effective,and I'm in love with this fabric.
I found some yummy soft blue wool that goes with it perfectly so am planning a few nursery type items for the Etsy shop.

Don't be shy, say hello!


  1. Love those little pants! Too cute!

    (9 more sleeps to go!!!)

  2. Wow!, 9 more sleeps isn't very long..exciting!


Hi, I love to hear from readers, hate to think I'm talking to myself here, so don't be shy say hello!