Another Simplicity 2444

9:32 pm

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After the success of my wearable toile for this pattern, I had high hopes for this dress. The only changes I made to this dress was shortening the bust darts by 1 cm each. Otherwise it is exactly the same. Weirdly though, this version is very loose across my shoulders, especially at the back. I have no idea why.

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I wore this dress today, but the loose shoulders were very annoying, and so it's gone back out to my shed to be tinkered with.

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I am loving being out in my shed right now, the light warm evenings mean I can be out there until quite late. The chickens keep me company, and a couple of the local cats pop by for a cuddle too.

my shed_1

me 2


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Don't be shy, say hello!


  1. I love your shed too! Xx

  2. The dress is great! I love seeing what you are up to. The shed is awesome. What a great backdrop for photos.

    1. The shed still needs a bit of work, I'm hoping to add a green roof this summer, and decorate the inside, plus add a full carpet before the winter.


Hi, I love to hear from readers, hate to think I'm talking to myself here, so don't be shy say hello!