Kimono Style Robe

4:51 pm

Kimono Style Robe, originally uploaded by indiaeden.

I am of the opinion that new Mums should stay in their pyjamas for at least a week after giving birth. I also think that having some nice new pyjamas to wear is a luxury at that time. (And if you are gonna stay in your jammies for a week, you need ones nice enough in which to greet any visitors.)
With that in mind I ran up this kimono style robe this afternoon. I used some vintage cotton I bought last year at the Antique Textiles Fair, and trimmed the whole thing with some white satin ribbon.
I just made the pattern up as I went along.
The cotton should be nice and cool, plus it'll be easy to wash and care for, both essential after birth.
I would show you a modelled pic, since I've made it generous enough to fit now and post partum, but I look rather like Demis Roussos. Infact I was trying it on, when Woody walked in on me laughing so hysterically at myself that I had tears streaming down my face!

Don't be shy, say hello!


  1. Very pretty!

    I'm having a hard time imagining you looking like Demis Roussos though!

    (Is the fair on again this year?)

  2. We missed the fair this year Mary! I thought it was Easter time, but it was actually in March. Shall we make a date for next year?

  3. I knew what you meant immediately, then I googled imaged a picture of him and it completely cracked me up! LOL. I don't think you would possibly resemble him that closely but I still found the notion that you might absolutely hilarious! Thanks! ;)

  4. I knew what you meant immediately, then I googled imaged a picture of him and it completely cracked me up! LOL. I don't think you would possibly resemble him that closely but I still found the notion that you might absolutely hilarious! Thanks! ;)


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