A quick cheap make

3:55 pm

Kitchen Towels, originally uploaded by indiaeden.

Take ten Ikea towels, (Nackten, 19p each), Two fat quarters of your fave fabrics, plus a swatch of co ordinating fabric. (I've used my Blue Dahlia fabrics.)

Cut each fat quarter into five equal strips to fit the short edge of each towel. Press under 5mm all the way around and stich to your towel using any stitch you fancy. Use the scraps left over, (and the swatch of co ordinating fabric) to make hanging loops, and decorative labels.

Quick, cheap, and now I have pretty kitchen towels all ready for the kitchen we ordered today. (so exciting!)

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  1. Looks super cute and easy. Now if only I had a sewing machine and knew how to use one. : )

  2. that is so pretty! New kitchen, awesome, but it's a nightmare while they are being done lol

  3. Oooh, a new kitchen! I can't wait to see it!

    I may have to make some towels for our kitchen, I am still using the ones my Grandma gave me when I was a student and they are getting a bit worse for wear now!

  4. what a great idea and new kitchen sounds super exciting! x

  5. Love them! Maybe this is something I could actually do lol! Can't wait to see you new kitchen!

  6. lovely

    and ooh new kitchen, exciting!


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