Just some pics

12:42 pm

, originally uploaded by indiaeden.

Today is World Book Day dressing up at the bigger boys school.
I really wasn't in the mood for making complicated costumes, so we improvised with outfits we already had.
Sid is the prince from Sleeping Beauty. I bigged up the cutting down of thorny bushes and kept very quiet about the kissing of princesses, and so he was more than happy to wear his Knights costume we bought in Scotland last Summer.

Angus is a pirate from Treasure Island, with the help of some old pj trousers, stripey socks,a fat quarter of stripey cotton, Mummy's belt and some cardboard and aluminium foil. (This is his pirate face)

Oh, and in case anyone is wondering, thanks to to some gentle butt kicking from various people I kept my appointment with my doctor this morning. She was really quite lovely, and is organising some counselling for me. Of course there is a waiting list, but I do have (at least for mow) a small sense of relief having just taken the first step of talking to someone.

Don't be shy, say hello!


  1. lovely photos (great ideas to use next year too!) Well done for braving the drs.....hope the counselling gives you some space and time for you to work through things. It's friday!!! x

  2. as in I will use your ideas....inspiration running dry!

  3. Lovely costumes. As always, so creative. The boys look fantastic. Good for you for keeping your appointment. I am glad it went well.

  4. Good for you, Jeanette. Hope you don't have to wait too long. xx

  5. They are SO cute!!

  6. you know, Jeanette, I read every one of your posts, and you just have the most beautiful blog, plus I love what you write as well. I usually read on my phone (read: I cannot comment) but I wanted to tell you that I am a fan of you and your blog. Your boys are very handsome and those are costumes are eighteen kinds of awesome. Sending you love. Glad to hear your braved the docs. xo

  7. Your kids are gorgeous! Love the costumes, too. And good job for keeping the doctor's appointment, a big first step in the right direction. xx

  8. How very dashing they both look, dressing up is great fun at that age. Actually anything out of the norm on a school day is fun for them.
    Well done for talking to the Doc, I know how hard it can be getting those initial few words out of your mouth.

  9. very proud of both your costume making and your doctor visit.

  10. What gorgeous boys.

    I hope you don't have too long to wait for the counselling.

  11. Completely gorgeous boys. Well done for talking to the doc. xx

  12. Glad you made the 1st step, all closer to a more settled place of mind.
    Love love love the wee men xxx

  13. Great pics of the boys. Very glad you spoke to your GP and I hope the waiting list isn't too long. take care x

  14. Hiya Jeanette, I was wondering if you could give me some advice. Let me say first - I cant sew - lol But I have just bought a little sewing machine to learn.
    It was half price £49.99 in the store so I couldn't resist. Anyway, where would you recommend for fabric, and also, is very cheap fabric more difficult to sew with. The temptation is to buy cheap stuff to learn, but then maybe that will make it harder, I don't know. I expect a cotton or cotton mix is one of the easiest fabric to handle.
    Oh, and if you feel like putting up a tutorial called teaching nit-twit beginners to sew I would definitely read it lol.


Hi, I love to hear from readers, hate to think I'm talking to myself here, so don't be shy say hello!