Honestly, it tastes much better than it looks!

10:27 pm

Green Soup, attractive name too eh? This is one of my family's favourites, it's really simple, really tasty and only about 90 calories a bowl, if my fitness pal is to be trusted.
Of course, if like me you have it with croutons and a bread roll warm from the oven slathered with butter, those 90 calories have increased somewhat!


1 tbsp olive oil
1 medium onion diced
1 large courgette grated
1 bowl of frozen peas
1 bowl of frozen spinach
stock cube (we use Kallo organic veg stock)

Simply heat the oil in a large pan, add the chopped onion, and the grated courgette.
Cook gently then add the nutmeg and the stock, plus enough water to make up the soup. (I use a kettle full, plus a little bit...how's that for technical?)
Add the peas and the spinach and simmer for approx 20 minutes.
Blend and serve with warm crusty bread and maybe a swirl of cream if you fancy it.

I haven't just been making soup today, I've also been chasing chickens around the garden after their enclosure blew down, and I finally put the snaps on the nappies I made for Ernest last week.

All in all a not too shabby day.

Don't be shy, say hello!


  1. I love pea soup (one whole bag of frozen peas, onion garlic, blob of sour cream, blob of pesto), so this one looks like a winner too. It is SO the time of year for healthy(ish) soups. Our shed tipped over and Oscar's trampoline bounced down the garden, these winds are scary, hope the chooks are ok.

  2. Anonymous10:41 pm

    That soup sounds delicious! How big is a bowlful? A soup bowl? Curried courgette soup is one of my faves - onion, 3 or 4 courgettes, water, stock, curry powder.

  3. Yum. I would love to try your warm, lovely soup.

    And I hope your chickens are safe and sound; ours, all six, were killed/eaten/dragged off by a huge opossum. He busted in somehow. I still can't figure out the mechanics, although he clearly caught them sleeping. I thought at least one might have outrun the attack. sigh. We miss them.

    xo Cathy in Missouri

  4. We have loveely spinich and potato soup we all love. But it looks so disgusting! So much so that my yongest insists on calling it 'Really-Gross-Looking-Soup-That-Tastes-Really-Nice'. We might have to try yours too :)

  5. It is pretty windy at the moment! Green soup sounds lovely and I love the name - so simple! X

  6. Might have to file this recipe away for six months or so!
    And love the nappy. How I adore a clothy butt on a baby.

  7. I had a snap press just like that one until i decided I was crap at making diapers and sold it. It all looks wonderful (soup included!)


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