Spring Cleaning

12:08 pm

Untitled, originally uploaded by indiaeden.

The problem with lots of lovely spring sunshine is that it highlights the dust!
I've spent this morning dusting and tidying my desk (Woody shares it too, so I should say "our desk", except I don't think he cares one bit how messy it is.)
This old print tray is above my desk on the wall and holds all my sewing thread, plus a few special little bits and pieces.
I do love it, but oh my it's a dust trap!

There is something so very satisfying about filling all the little spaces, and I get such a thrill from all the pattern potential....actually sometimes I get in a tizz trying to decide if I should arrange the colours in a rainbow, or in tones, or seasons....

Now, if only the rest of my housework was as much fun.

A Tidy Desk

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  1. Its so cute though, so worth the effort. I wish I had the energy to dust right now lol. What a lovely space, is that framed vintage patterns?

  2. Just the sight of all that colorful, tidy thread makes me happy.

    I need to put your picture in front of my face and carry it around. And pretend my house looks that good.

    Cathy in Missouri

  3. I love it, I've always had a bit of a thing for print trays and lots of teeny tiny bits nicely organising inside them! Covet, covet!

  4. Having some serious envy of your work space. Thread porn...who woulda think?

  5. The only housework I actually come close to enjoying is dusting - it is really just an excuse to play with my books, ornaments and photos ;)

  6. Such a cheery little spot!

  7. such a colourful space to create, so pretty and I adore the framed patterns, great idea xx

  8. I like your new flower in the header? It's new to me at least :) And I love seeing your house...how you decorate. The thread is beautiful. And your photos. ((hugs))

  9. A nice clean desk--wishing mine looked like that right now! All the colourful thread spools together look so lovely and cheery :)


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