From a doodle to a swatch

2:10 pm

swatch, originally uploaded by indiaeden.

This little swatch arrived in the post yesterday, from Spoonflower. It's a simple little design made from one of my many scribbles in my many sketchbooks. Far from a perfect finished design, it still is nice to see how it might look on fabric, and how I can improve it.

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  1. I love spoonflower!! I may end up trying to find someone to sew a onesie for each of the twins in a custom fabric.. just not sure if any of theirs would be 'onesie' material...

  2. Leslie, Spoonflower do a lovely organic interlock fabric, def onesie friendly. :0)

  3. Thanks Jeanette- I will look at that one as we progress through a few more weeks... xo


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