
6:41 am

crepe, originally uploaded by indiaeden.
Half term has meant that I've been able to leave my sewing machine set up all week, and have had more time than usual to catch up with my long list of sewing projects.
This pattern by Colette has been on that list forever!
I cut it out a while ago, and realising I didn't have quite enough pattern fabric, I decided to make one of the back skirts from the same brown silk I'd planned to use for the waist tie. Not ideal I know, but I thought it'd be passable as the skirt that wrapped underneath....
Unfortunately I seemed to have a total brain fart with the skirt, and instead of joining the two silk panels together, I made both back skirts half silk and half pattern, and by the time I'd realised I just didn't fancy unpicking several seams to correct it......

back view

And this is what I'm left with.
I'm so dissapointed in myself. Yesterday with massive limitations on my time I decided to leave it and continue with more pressing items (India's prom dress.), but looking at it again today, I think I just will not be happy until I've unpicked and re sewn the skirts, shame cos I'd really like to wear this today.....

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  1. I can understand your frustration, but what a lovely dress.

  2. It will be gorgeous. I do exactly that sort of thing though, but on even less complicated things. Last week I managed to cut out two rectangles instead of one on a fold.

  3. such awesome colours, I have made 2 crepe's and neither have been any good, I think I'm destined to be crepeless. Coincidentally I made one of my crepes into a skirt. x


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