fifty two weeks of happy week three

4:44 pm

Untitled, originally uploaded by indiaeden.

This week is all about simple pleasures. Nursery Rhymes with Ernest.


A beautiful sunset on my way home from school


A bowl full of flowering spring bulbs.


And finally a day spent with some of my lovliest friends. On Friday we had an LLL planning meeting here at mine, not everyone could make it and some had to leave because of the snow, but the rest of us managed to throw together a bit of lunch, and washed it down with lots of tea.
No piccies of that though I'm afraid.

Don't be shy, say hello!


  1. Those bulbs have come through beautifully.
    I never remember to take pictures when we have adult gatherings either.


Hi, I love to hear from readers, hate to think I'm talking to myself here, so don't be shy say hello!