fifty two weeks of happy week seven

5:41 pm

Untitled, originally uploaded by indiaeden.
Last week Eden helped me to decorate the lounge. I hate decorating, but having an extra pair of hands made it so much more pleasant.
We finished the painting in just two days.


Just in time for the new sofas to be delivered.


I also hung my beautiful prints of Florence's name in the sand above the larger sofa. I've not hung them together before, but I'm glad I have now, they look just right there.
Hanging those spurred me on to hang two of my Fairy Tales for Hope prints. These two are for Florence, Thumbelina at the top bought by me, and Sleeping Beauty at the bottom a gift from my friend Kate.
They are hung just outside my bedroom, so I can see them from my bed.

Fairy Tales for Hope

I'm looking forward to hanging the other three prints I bought for the boys room.

Don't be shy, say hello!


  1. This is wonderful Lazy! tee hee

    You have a beautfil palette going on here and a lightness of touch. I really love it.

    I couldn't possibly imagine my house with generic pictures dotted everywhere... I love that every single one of mine has incredible memories and emotions attached. Ikea is fab, but not for Bundana artwork!


    Bundana x

  2. Looks so nice and bright. The new sofas fit perfectly. I'm starting to feel the urge to re-decorate some part of my house, but it's going to have to wait until C.S. is a bit bigger. Maybe I should finish re-decorating our master bedroom, that project got stopped when the bedrest started and never got completed.

  3. This makes me so, so happy. I love that the Fairy Tales for Hope prints are hanging in your home. Honouring both of our missing baby girls, and so many others.


Hi, I love to hear from readers, hate to think I'm talking to myself here, so don't be shy say hello!