Christmas Decorating

6:00 pm

Untitled, originally uploaded by Lazy Seamstress.

I enjoy decorating the house for Christmas, despite the fact that it's never quite the chilled out family affair I dream of. No crackling fire, gentle music and angelic children helping out here. Much more chaos, and shouting, and lights not long enough, frantic dashes out to buy more, frazzled nerves and more shouting....unyet, it's still one of my favourite parts of this time of year.
This year our door wreath was looking really rather shabby, so inspired by several I'd seen on Pinterest, I dispatched India off to the charity shop where they were selling random baubles 12 for £1. I told her to get 24, different sizes,but mostly gold and silver.
I then, set to with my glue gun, also adding some candy canes and this kitschy snowman. India and I both thought a retro style fawn would be perfect, but we were make doing and mending, and didn't own a fawn, though we now have one on the way thanks to my lovely friend Mary, who found one in her decorations and agreed our wreath needed it more than she does. So, if Mr Postman gets his act together, we will have our little fawn before Christmas.


Our tree is loaded down with five years worth of ornaments gifted us for Florence, and those we have bought ourselves. Every year I look for something special for the tree just for her, this year it's a little pottery bird found in a gift shop in Beaumaris on Anglesey.



The fireplace has six stockings, one for each of our children, plus a few other special items.



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