Oh Dear I'm Such A Dope!

10:42 am

With all the panic of back to school week, (and oh how I've panicked! I hate letting go of my precious ones on that first day.) I totally forgot to do the draw for the nappy giveaway ! Only three entries though..hmm, lets see how random.org deals with that.....

OK, well Cybele,looks like you are the winner,and cos I'm such a dope Dandelion and Harrysmum also get a nappy..just pick one from my store,place an order,but don't pay for it and I'll pop one in the post for you. ;0)

Don't be shy, say hello!


  1. Bless you Jeanette - rather than "good stock" put me down for your next seconds in a girlie medium - I have a new Goddaughter to convert ;-)

  2. Liz, you are top of my list next time I make any. ;0)


Hi, I love to hear from readers, hate to think I'm talking to myself here, so don't be shy say hello!