Last bit of sewing for the weekend.

5:48 pm

Ottobre Maternity Top, originally uploaded by indiaeden.

Ottobre Maternity Top. (Ottobre Woman Spring/Summer 2007).
I made a size 46,but really could've got away with a 44, still I guess at least this has bump growing room, unlike a lot of my ready to wear maternity tops.

This morning's update:

I decided to wear my new top today,but it needed a few tiny adjustments first. Can you see the difference?

After some minor alterations

To be perfectly honest, I'm not 100% happy with this, it's just too big. Usually if sewing from an Ottobre pattern I make either a 44 or a 46 and the fit is just fine,but this is obviously a much more generously proportioned design. If I make this again,and I might I'll probably make a 42 or maybe a 44....

Don't be shy, say hello!


  1. lovely top for a lovely bump!

  2. Oh I like that top !! Lovely bimp Jeanette ! I was just wondering when you are due - is it June / July?

    Great sewing !



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