Studio Envy

4:22 pm

I woke up this morning, took one look around my bedroom/studio and wanted to cry! How did it get to be such a mess?
A big ole mess!
Matters were not helped when I then saw the beautiful studio here.
Still, it gave me the kick up the bum I needed to have a jolly good tidy up around here, and it actually feels lovely again...lets see how long I can keep it this way....

calm is restored

Don't be shy, say hello!


  1. Anonymous4:57 pm

    now THAT's a beautiful new look, very nice! i love daisies ;-)

  2. Lovely :-) and Oh my word! that link you posted! do people really live like that?!
    I'm not even going to think about pics of my study/sewing room, imagine teetering piles of theological books and papers to start with!, WIPs fabric, yarn and stuff... oh and a freezer!
    One day I'll get it sorted, between the essays!

  3. Hi Jeanette, I've nominated you for an award, you'll find it on my blog!

  4. Hi, I think I recognize your name from TBW-VL? I am CindaMae (was Tentoes). Yours looks better than mine! I love how you used the printers tray for your thread. What a great idea. Unfortunately all of my printers trays are actually full of lead type, lol. I think we have the same serger too. I'm leaving a comment because I feel the same way sometimes, is anybody reading out there or am I talking to myself? :)


Hi, I love to hear from readers, hate to think I'm talking to myself here, so don't be shy say hello!