The Garden

2:55 pm

DSC_0005, originally uploaded by indiaeden.

I dream of having a pretty garden, sometimes when I can't sleep I paint a picture in my mind of my perfect garden, it has rows of vegetables, and a pretty shed, and flowers lots and lots of flowers.
In reality our garden is untidy and though not really neglected kinda haphazardly taken care of.
At the end of last summer I tried to nurture a small plot in Florence's memory, and I planted hundreds of bulbs and goodness knows what else. Over the autumn and winter I watched the local squirrels dig up and eat some of the bulbs. I didn't stop them, I figure it's their garden as much as it's mine.
The squirrels did leave some bulbs behind and this week these pretty flowers have popped up. I can't remember even choosing them,but I know I did.


I did choose these violas to carpet the bare ground in front of Florence's stone.


My lovely Fig tree, Violetta isn't doing much...


But just look in the base of the pot, a whole magical world...


Florence, I'm sorry your garden isn't perfect sweetheart,but it's magical in it's own way despite my best efforts.

Don't be shy, say hello!


  1. It does look like a magical garden, it's so very pretty! Nature does the best gardening anyways :D Mine makes yours look like it should be in Chelsea flower show.

  2. When I was working away before Tarryn was born our garden was basically neglected for over two years. That autumn we started trying to tidy it and found a couple of hedgehogs curled up in piles of leaves. These days our garden is much neater and nicer to sit in but there are no hedgehogs any more. Who's to say which is better?

  3. Oh I agree with Frustrated Fairy. It IS magical. I love the little garden at the foot of your fig tree.

  4. Glad gardening has been so cathartic for you, too.

    Florence's garden is gorgeous.


  5. It is a lovely piece of garden. And magical. That Alium should really get going soon and produce more flowers for you. xx

  6. Looks beautiful just as it is ;)

  7. What a beautiful garden. Definitely magical! xx

  8. Thinking of you and hoping that you are doing as well as possible.
    Hugs San xx

  9. I love Florence's garden. The stone with her name is just beautiful.

  10. what a lovely garden, green and lush and full of life. my daughter was born one month after florence, and i think of you both often as I look at her playing. sbe and I wish you well in these last weeks of pregnancy, and we look forward to welcoming your baby boy into the world.

  11. Thinking of you and hoping you are okay.


Hi, I love to hear from readers, hate to think I'm talking to myself here, so don't be shy say hello!