Still Life Video Blogging

11:38 am

After reading Angie's idea for video blogging,here I knew I wanted to take part, but I was also terrified, actually still am. My video is uploading as I type (I hope!) and I think I might have to just add it, grit my teeth and press publish before I change my mind.
Just quickly going through the video on my camera, I wish I'd chosen a better angle/better lighting, but vain as I am, I can't read through it again simply for my vanity, so you get the tired looking drained me ...sorry!

And you know something, seeing these words spoken by me, with my things around me, I still can't quite believe that yes, my daughter died.

Don't be shy, say hello!


  1. how could you say you aren't a writer? That was, by far, the most personal and amazing blog post I have ever seen.

    You are beautiful. Even the sadder you.

  2. That was so stunning. I loved that piece written in my head, but I have to say that hearing you read it elevates it so much. I think you are a gorgeous writer. I'm in love with these videos, and wish wish wish we lived closer to have coffee. And also you make me want bangs again.

  3. You are so so brave reading that on camera! Absolutely beautiful even though its so moving.
    Funny, you don't sound at all like I imagined.

  4. Oh, I so completely disagree: you *ARE* a writer. You Are.

    I am almost wordless. I can tell this is going to be my favorite of all Angie's remarkable ideas.

    I think you are so brave and so likable. Extremely, extremely brave AND extremely, extremely likeable!

    I'm so glad you did this, Jeanette. I have loved your blog for a while - and no wonder, because it came from you. Beautiful things from beautiful people with beautiful hearts.

    Florence Violet matters - and her mother does, too. What a gift.

    Thank you so much,

    Cathy in Missouri

  5. Hugs, Jeanette. xo

  6. You are beautiful. Both in appearance and as a writer. If I'd looked as glamorous during my reading, I might have chosen a longer post! I love reading your blog Jeanette, it's gorgeous. And it's lovely to hear your voice and see your face, I'm so glad you decided to post this video. I know it took me ages to hit publish!

    I think I understand what you mean, I still had a little twinge of disbelief when I spoke the words "when my daughter died" and felt another when I listened back to what I had read.

    I loved this original post, very haunting and, you are right, forever is a long time xo

  7. Jeanette, this is so beautiful, and perfect, and bravely and lovingly done. I'm so grateful for the chance to hear you read your words. Thank you for being so brave and for sharing your beautiful face and voice here.

    I remember that post, remember loving that post, but now I love it so much more.

    Sending love to you and your Florence.

  8. oh hon ((((hugs)))) just amazing hearing you read the words - your strength shines through the vulnerability.

  9. This was so gorgeous. I am sobbing over here reading! Thank you so much for sharing this. I loved reading it the first time and I so enjoyed hearing it, too. You are a writer, friend!

    PS--love your haircolor!

  10. Oh I am a mess. That was beautiful. Thank you so much :) x

  11. Wow. Just wow. You and your words are so breathtakingly beautiful. Your love for Florence is tangible through my screen x

  12. I love seeing and hearing you. Feels like a bit of connection even though we are so far apart. Loving Florence and missing her with you. xoxo

  13. You, missus, are an amazing writer (and reader) - no denying it, okay?

    I am crying my eyes out sat here, wishing Florence was with you, wishing Emma was with me. It is strange to think that I have "known" you through words on blogs and forums since Florence died and yet this is the first time I have heard you. It really does add something special to the mix.

    I keep thinking we should try and organise an British dbm meet. The more I see of us via this project the more I think that. Make the virtual, real.

  14. Older, darker, sadder me....Oh god...yeah me too. Your voice is beautiful and I can feel how loved your missing little girl is. I so wish she was here to go say good night to the chickens.

  15. This is wonderful and you are beautiful. I now want to sit down and have a cup of tea with you.

    Missing Florence with you.

  16. This really makes me see why Angie wanted to do this project. I remember reading your Right Where I Am post, but it feels so much more hearing from you.

  17. It baffles me that others don't see her.
    This was beautiful. And I have no more words other than I miss her for you too.
    Thankyou for sharing, and your bravery. xo

  18. Oh! your voice is so lovely, and b the middle of your reading i was crying. it s amazing how watching you read apiece i remember reading was 10xs more powerful- not that it wasnt powerful the first time--thank you for your bravery-it was well worth it!

  19. You are beautiful, nice to hear your voice. Loving her and you, and all of those sweet ones...

  20. Thank you so much for braving this and sharing. Beautiful words, and sending big hugs to you.


  21. Oh I just love you even more now. I would love to drink a bottomloss cup of tea with you and just talk about our beautiful girls.
    You're absolutely gorgeous and I love your lovely accent. Made me smile :)

  22. I agree .. a very brave thing to do.
    And yes.. you are a writer.
    And .. along with Frustrated Fairy.. you don't sound how I imagined at all either!
    And it is beautiful but tremendously sad.

  23. You make me wish I had chosen a different post to read from my own blog. Your words are just beautiful and your love for Florence is barely contained in them, in the best possible way. I know the disbelief. I know the sadder face. (I did adjust the lighting to try and hide my grief aging just a little.)

    Keep writing. xx

  24. Jeanette, that was so beautiful and so raw all at the same time.

  25. That was beautiful Jeanette. You are a fantastic writer, and it's so obvious that every word comes from the heart. Amazing to hear your voice as well after knowing you for so long online.

  26. I was incredibly moved by your blog reading Jeanette. You probably don't think you are amazing, but you really are. Love and hugs Katherine xxxxx

  27. Beautiful-- thank you so, so much for sharing this.

  28. you are just so amazing. i JUST learned about this project and hope to submit my own video soon. i'm so proud of you cutie-pie!

  29. You are beautiful and genuine, inside and out. That was incredible. Thank you.

  30. Jennette,

    Your writing, your words, you voice put me right there with you. Thank you for bringing me along. . .I cry with you.

  31. That was such a beautiful post... written and read with love, pain and strength. Big hugs!

  32. I think we all may think we're not that good of writers! But I can tell you that you certainly are. ♥♥

  33. I am struck as I listen to each of you the honesty of your words as you bare your souls...each mothers with hearts shattered...each with the longing ache that only a mother yearning for her baby...broken...and yet beautiful in the brokenness. That's what I see in each brave mama heart tonight. I'm so sorry that you have all walked this heart-wrenching path...and yet, stunned by the stark realness of the beauty of a mother's love...even through the pain. Praying peace and comfort for you tonight. Thank you for being brave and real. You are a beautiful writer...and a beautiful mother.

  34. I am not sure how I missed this post, but it was very moving. It is difficult to get an exact tone from a piece of writing but the video shows a very gentle and lovely lady. Hugs.

  35. Its taken me this long to actually watch your video because the first time I sat down to view it I got about as far as when you started reading and I started to well up. So I waited for a chance for the time and privary to watch it on my own and it was worth it. That was absolutely beautiful - thankyou for sharing.


  36. Such a beautiful video. It brings the words I have read to such a new level...

  37. I read Florence's story before listening to your blog and I can't describe the heartache I felt while reading it. I can't imagine living it. I could write and write about so many different parts of it. But one thing I have to mention. I love that Annie's colleague suggested she hold Florence as you left the hospital. How absolutely caring she was. I'm so glad that your older children got to see her and hold her too. What an absolutely devastating time. The video you made at the end of her story is beautiful.

    There are so many beautiful sentences in this post. I cried along with you as I watched you.


Hi, I love to hear from readers, hate to think I'm talking to myself here, so don't be shy say hello!