Falling In Love

12:38 pm

, originally uploaded by indiaeden.

He's still just under a week off his due date,but I think he's starting to forgive me for evicting him so soon.
Well, maybe except for this morning when I gave him a bath!
I'm hormonal,emotionally drained, and worried, with a head full of advice and information, but when he looks into my eyes, or he's resting on my chest and I can breath in his delicious warm scent, it's all worth it.


Don't be shy, say hello!


  1. There needs to be a health warning that comes with these baby pictures. He is seriously so sweet!

  2. The smell of a newborn! I didnt wash any of mine for far too long as I wanted to keep that smell for as long as I could. The way it lingers in their creases (yummy)Enjoy your snuggles

  3. Yep! He's worth it :O)

  4. He is so gorgeous and oh, that baby smell .......xx

  5. He is super cute and that babygrow is awesome too :D

  6. hope things settle down for you and your beautiful babe soon. He is lovely!

  7. I hope things will smooth out soon. He is soo beautiful!

  8. Just ... yes ... to all of it.

  9. I'm addicted to the smell of Tobias' head. I wasn't with Brynn's strangely.. maybe it's a boy thing. I miss it if I'm away from it too long and every time I kiss his head I take a deep sniff from him first.
    I love your photos. And he is worth it. It all is when you snuggle in close and they curl up in your arms. xx

  10. Cried when I read this....

    What a beautiful boy XX

  11. Oh my gosh, yes to all of it! Especially that first line! I'm sure Angus was a wee bit pissed I evicted him two weeks early, when he was so warm and cozy in there! But yes, snuggles on the outside make up for it all.
    Goodness, he's SO cute Jeanette.

  12. He's so lovely Jeanette. Great babygro too! (I have a gorgeous footless one with little dachshunds on which Ernest could have if you want it? Preloved by M and E but long outgrown now and needs a new baby!)

  13. He's so sweet! I hope the toungue-snipping will help his feeding and his jaundice will disappear. Just when you think you've been through enough, the universe throws you some more to deal with...

  14. And hopefully this will be the last of it!!

  15. he is unbelievably cute! womb just did a little somersault :)
    Hope the breastfeeding issues get sorted out soon. Your doing a fabby job and so is he. He was a little early so is just gonna take a wee bit longer to get the hang of it :) having the tongue tie cut will definitely make a big difference. Getting as deep a latch as possible to tackle the high palette issue too. Have you tried this one? http://vimeo.com/13267722

    This too shall pass xxx

  16. He's just so lovely, try and be at peace as much as you can.
    Take good care
    San xx

  17. Adorable baby pictures. And a very late congratulations to you all. Have been thinking of you daily and your photo's are bringing the biggest of siles.

  18. I am from TBW originally and have this blog in my bookmarks so I can occasionally peek in. I am so happy for you guys, so thankful for your little baby. Hang in there, my hope is that, "this too shall pass".
    Lisa (ishwishdish)

  19. Oh! He's heavenly, and heaven sent:-) hope it all goes well today xxx


Hi, I love to hear from readers, hate to think I'm talking to myself here, so don't be shy say hello!