fifty two weeks of happy week sixteen

3:45 pm

Untitled, originally uploaded by indiaeden.

A super busy week. Angus got his first ever short haircut. He looks so grown up!
India turned 17, and in true India style managed to drop her birthday cake.

India dropped her birthday cake.

I had a rare night out with good friends and got to wear my new dress.


And I found a beautiful old treadle sewing machine in the charity shop.

treadle machine

Don't be shy, say hello!


  1. Lots of reasons to be happy! Love the dress and the sewing machine is divine x

  2. O Jeanette, I have that exact treadle! It took me ages to get the treadle action but once you have it, you never forget (like riding a bike :-) I love my treadle, haven't sewn with it much lately but it stitches beautifully - better than my modern machine really.
    Had a little giggle about India's cake... something Im would do too!

  3. You look fabulous in that dress!

    I always loved playing with sewing machines like that when I was a kid. I wonder if sewing with a treadle could count as exercise time too?

  4. Oh I bet that haircut is taking some getting used to!
    Lots of lovely reasons to be happy

  5. Gorgeous pics as always and your young man certainly looks grown up!

    Love the shots on the previous post with you and the girls ... you look like sisters!

    Fab pic of you in your going out attire, truly stunning.

    I'm finally back in the land of the living having been on grandma duty these past two weeks! Babe is feeding well and Kath is slowly healing from the surgery. Hoping to post some pics on the blog maybe you can take a peek sometime?

    Love to you

    San xx

  6. Gorgeous pics as always and your young man certainly looks grown up!

    Love the shots on the previous post with you and the girls ... you look like sisters!

    Fab pic of you in your going out attire, truly stunning.

    I'm finally back in the land of the living having been on grandma duty these past two weeks! Babe is feeding well and Kath is slowly healing from the surgery. Hoping to post some pics on the blog maybe you can take a peek sometime?

    Love to you

    San xx


Hi, I love to hear from readers, hate to think I'm talking to myself here, so don't be shy say hello!