Happy Bloggy Birthday!

3:57 pm

My little blog is 8 years old today!
During the last eight years I've had three more babies, experienced the worst ever times, and some good times too.
When I started this blog I was heavily pregnant with Sid, and running my little cloth nappy empire, that soon gave way to my little business making Zidee Podeagi, and all throughout that time I was making children's clothes for sale too.
To celebrate still sticking around after all this time, I'm having a giveaway.
Leave me a comment, tell me something lovely that you remember from the past 8 years, and I'll add you into a random draw for a £20 voucher to spend at my little Etsy Shop, Flossie's Garden.

I'll keep this giveaway open for one week, and choose a winner using random.org. Giveaway open to everyone, no matter where you are in the world. Looking forward to reading your comments.

Don't be shy, say hello!


  1. So many things are lovely but the posts that really go with to me to work and inform my midwifery so often are your 'day in the life' post of trying to breastfeed Ernest and, of course, his wonderful, induced birth. And all those posts where you say you can't knit. They are funny!

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  3. What I've loved the most over the last few years is your grace and your love for your family -- the way you've chosen to remember Florence in so many little ways and how you've shared her here. I've loved seeing Ernest grow up too alongside my Vivien. I feel that in a very small way, I know your family. XO

  4. I am new to loving and following your blog... but you have introduced me to the Sling School and I am so excited using my sling when my lickle girl is born!!

    Thanks so much

    @ http://www.bundana.blogspot.co.uk

  5. HaHa!Lovely comments so far, but you don't have to use anything from my blog, as lovely as it is that you all have so far, just *anything* lovely from the past 8 years.

  6. Oh crumbs - how to choose! I've had lots of loveliness (and some not-so-loveliness!) over the past eight years... watching Charlie being able to run and ride his bike since his heart op; finding out that all was well with Rosie, and enjoying the wonderful simplicity of parenting a non-heart child; being at the Les Mis 25th anniversary concert (yes, I'm a sad Les Mis groupie...); finally starting to get our house and garden how we want it... So many golden moments.
    I love looking at all your crafty creativeness - I can't sew, knit, crochet or anything like that. (I made an apron once at school, but that's it!) So I love to look at all the clever things you do and make - I might not be able to do it myself, but I read the blog of one who can!! :-)
    I'm coming up on my 'Blogiversary' too - I think I'm at seven years. Time flies eh! x

  7. You can guess my best two bits of the last 8 years, one is tall and looks like me and one is a very noisy redhead who no doubt scares your hens with her meltdowns in the garden! Great to find a friend who I can be myself with and who makes me laugh - who knew you were so near! Your lovely family and your incredible stitching talent (envious) have made me smile - cheers! :) I think that's enough crawling now...have I earned another brew round yours yet?

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  10. Jeanette - I haven't commented here for ages but a bloggy birthday deserves a mention (and not because of the generous prize!I cam via facebook to comment anyway!) just because I'm glad you're still writing and finding ways to make this space work as such a mixture of experiences. From your blog, I loved your spoken word post about precious Florence. In my own life ... the absolutely heartbreaking beauty of my sweet baby girl in my arms and the momentous and life affirming arrival of her little brother.

  11. Happy Birthday Lazy Seamstress xxx I think I will keep mine blogger related and say, that last year when I was in a very sad place, complete strangers who I had only ever 'met' online sent me some of the loveliest messages and e-mails. I was so touched in a genuine way that people can be so kind and that they will try to reach out to someone who needs it. You were one of those people Jeanette. Much Love To You

  12. I love seeing all your skirts and dresses. Love the vintage style. The carriers are fantastic. I stumbled on your blog in my effort to learn to sew (still working at it) and your advice has been fantastic.
    HOWEVER, I must say the thing(s) that keep me reading are your love for your family and the many ways you work so hard for each of them.

  13. I've loved following your blog since I 'met' you on BW about four years ago. I have wept and thought of you often, and you have taught me much about grace and honesty.

    Something lovely - um. Discovering a love of dark chocolate, and finding that I can eat it and still lose weight. Win!

  14. Happy Blog Birthday! (and so close to your own birthday too).

    Let's see something lovely from the last 8 years, I'll go with becoming a cloth-diapering, baby-wearing, extended breastfeeding kind of mommy. I had no idea I had hippie leanings until I had D.

  15. Been so busy and not had time to read gorgeous blogs but glad I have found space for yours - I love sharing your honest and creative space....always feel inspired by your words. I love your Flossie's pattern dress, absolutely adored my babe wearing it. Keep blogging, I love what you share, thank you xxxx

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  17. I am new to your blog, I am inspired by your sewing and fatastic use of fabrics. And your house looks like my dream home! I can *hear* your passion and love for your family in your writing.

    And your birthday entry has made me realise I need to visit Teapot again. Soon. The egg timers are wicked!

  18. Jeanette I love following your blog and have done for many years. Over the 8 years we've had two boys join our family which bring us great joy.
    I love reading about all of your family and following your sewing and knitting. Love the vintage bits too x


Hi, I love to hear from readers, hate to think I'm talking to myself here, so don't be shy say hello!