
4:41 pm

, originally uploaded by indiaeden.

It's only a couple of weeks into the new year, and my kinda half resolution was to try and be a better friend*,and not shy away from social situations. I'm doing ok, not great, but ok. I even went on a Mums (from school) night out last Friday, that was weird,but not horrible.
The truth is, that unless I push myself I'm more comfortable just being at home with Ernest, spending our days gently while the big ones are at school and Woody is at work.
I know though that being home alone every day can also be a little bit reality altering, it's too easy to get sucked into negative thinking sometimes.

The January light here in the North West is so very grey, a cold unforgiving grey that makes everything look so dreary.
These tulips are at least a little brightness .

I've been thinking about redecorating.After Florence died I honestly couldn't care less how the house looked, and little jobs that normally would be taken care of haven't been, and looking around, especially in this cold grey light I can see how much Woody and I have neglected our home.

Grief's cold fingers reach out into every aspect of life.

* I think there might be one or two friends reading this and rolling their eyes. I'm sorry, I'm trying, honestly. x

Don't be shy, say hello!


  1. Small steps all the time, isn't it? I've resolved to keep my bedside table tidier. Then I might move on to the drawer tops. By March I might be committing to my desk.

  2. The fact that you are trying to me shows what kind of person you are. You are such a great lady and to even try says so much about you

  3. Nothing to apologise for Jeanette and I'm sure your friends would be in agreement too.

    Hugs San x

  4. Its very easy to stay cocooned away, I know it well. Well done on the night out, I know how scary it can be to set your foot out after a long period. I am 'forcing' myself to playgroup 2 mornings a week for the sake of the wee one, so I know how it feels.
    The photos were lovely too by the way, and I will look forward to make-over pics if you decide to decorate.

  5. You are making far greater strides than I am...
    beautiful pictures...

  6. Love the flowers Jeanette (obviously ;))
    Just wanted to wish you a positive and love filled new year xxx

  7. Well, I'm part way there on mine - the kitchen is tidier but the rest of the house is a tip! Small steps allow you to find somewhere to put things before you tidy up.

  8. beautiful photos, tulips are so uplifting! I have used your flossie pinafore pattern, was very easy thank you. just started a blog and put photo on it


Hi, I love to hear from readers, hate to think I'm talking to myself here, so don't be shy say hello!