They Were Still Born

10:06 am

I've just added my review to
This is a lovely book, I can highly recommend it.

Don't be shy, say hello!


  1. Thanks for the suggestion i'm going to buy it for our local sands group library. Incidentall, have you read Elizabeth McCrackens an exact replica of a figment of my imagination? Beautiful beautiful book, written with such love and raw emotion. An odd thing to say about a book on such a harrowing topic, but its one of my favorite books. Let me know if you read it and what you think, Clare

  2. I have a friend here who gave birth to a still born baby. I want to show this to her ..

  3. I can't wait to read it. Think of you often. What a crazy few months we've had.... Gorgeous pics on your blog. xo

  4. Clare, yes I've read an exact replica, loved it, absolutetly one of the best books written on baby loss.
    Tinder,I'm so sorry to hear about your friends loss.
    Karen, Hi!! It's been too long. I hope you and the family are well.x

  5. jeanette,
    so glad you also enjoyed the replica, i think because she is a writer 1st and foremost helped.....her story is very similar to mine, which also made is v poignant.

    c x

  6. Thank you for your thoughtful review! I just love your site, and am holding your family and your sweet baby girl in my thoughts. xo Janel


Hi, I love to hear from readers, hate to think I'm talking to myself here, so don't be shy say hello!