Hiding From Failure

8:10 pm

There just are not enough hours in the day, I knew that when I signed up for the sketchbook project,and with only five days to go before the postal deadline,and a packed week ahead of me,and a very empty sketchbook, it's not looking good.
Maybe there will be a miracle, maybe Ernest will start taking hour long naps during the day,maybe he'll finally decide my nipple does not taste of sour lemon,and will breastfeed so that I don't have to pump seven times a day, maybe the laundry will sort,wash,dry and iron itself, and maybe my children will stop leaving dirty socks, sweet wrappers,toast crusts,empty cups all around the house.....but that's all just excuses, If I really wanted to get the project completed on time,I'd have done it,and I haven't,so big fat FAIL to me.

Just to try and console myself, I haven't been totally unproductive this weekend. I've updated and uploaded some fabric designs to Spoonflower, including this new colourway of my Buddies design, and some Flossies Garden designs.

Buddies Teal

I've also tried playing with my camera, and finally been brave enough to switch off "auto", I'm pretty happy with the results.

Oh, and I've had a house full of giggly girls over for Eden's 12th birthday, and been out for lunch with my family, that's more important than a sketchbook project isn't it?

Don't be shy, say hello!


  1. go easy on yourself hon (((hugs))) it's not failure, it's just different calls on your time. If it was that important you'd have done it, but really it wasn't.

  2. Yes, giggly girls are the best!

  3. I love the pattern and your new photographs. And goodness me .. I have 1x4 year old and 1x1 year old and I barely have time to do anything! You're amazing! Go easy on yourself. Having said that I know how hard that is.

  4. There are only so many hours in a day and certain things you have no choice about doing so be nice to yourself Jeanette. That photo of Sid - he's gorgeous!

  5. oh and I love the fabric, so pretty

  6. much more important, have a girlie 12 party ("sleep"over - am I mad?) next weekend too!

  7. Love the photo of Sid xxx

  8. Oh hun, it's not supposed to be a guilty project...if it doesn't get done, that's fine. You'll have a great little sketchbook to use for when the time is right later on! Love the design and the photo...and you are good to have little giggly girls for a party at your house. Much love.

  9. Think of all the things you have achieved! My mind boggles thinking about the amount of laundry you must have - I can hardly keep on top of mine and there's only 4 of us!!

  10. Aww my Eden is 12 in a few weeks. I'm keeping the giggling girlies off the premises tho!
    I don't know how you do it J, I can barely fit in 5 pumpings never mind 7!!

  11. What a beautiful, creative weekend! Love the Flossie fabric. None of this looks like a fail at all. The sketchbook project sounds amazing. I'm sure they don't mind as long as there's something in there.

  12. My word he's changed!!!! Try not to beat yourself up ;) you have lots of admirers lol! If I had the stamina to JUST pump 7 times a day. Yes SEVEN times a day I'd feel productive. You also take care of Ernest and your other children. Pick up socks and crusts..... Give yourself a pat on the back woman!!!!!!!


Hi, I love to hear from readers, hate to think I'm talking to myself here, so don't be shy say hello!