More photos

5:06 pm

, originally uploaded by indiaeden.

I'm really enjoying the 365 project. I think it's interesting how the photo I invariably end up using isn't the one I had in mind at the beginning of the day. I'm taking a lot more photos than usual, and I'm considering each one more than I would normally.
There's so much I don't know about my camera, and I admit I tend to only ever use it in auto with the flash off, I'm too scared to try manual, but maybe this project will give me that push.

Some photos that didn't make it today.

We are still pumping.

This lovely ornament arrived today from Jenn, thank you. x

Don't be shy, say hello!


  1. He is getting SOOOO big!

  2. That big, bald baby head is SO adorable. (All babies in my family have loads of hair.)

  3. lovely photos........have you read your manual yet????!!!

  4. I think I've said this before but he is so adorable. Absolutely precious. And I'm so glad you like the butterfly. It was bittersweet to send a little gift for Florence. xx


Hi, I love to hear from readers, hate to think I'm talking to myself here, so don't be shy say hello!