Looks like a bargain!

4:38 pm

Untitled, originally uploaded by indiaeden.
The Singer 327k that we bought last week from the charity shop for £20 is working!
The wires had been cut by the shop, but Woody managed to add new ones, a bit of machine oil, and a bit of minor tinkering from me and Eden now has a working sewing machine.


She seems very pleased with it, and the humm of the machine has been a welcome background noise here today.


Now that Woody has proved himself with this machine, I think it's time to dig out my old machine for him to fix.
It would be nice (and rather indulgent I guess) to have a spare machine out ready to use.

Don't be shy, say hello!


  1. So wonderful that she has your same love of sewing!

  2. That machine looks lovely, happy sewing!


  3. wonderful machine, i am using it for many years, made in scotland 1961.

  4. wonderful machine, i am using it for many years, made in scotland 1961.


Hi, I love to hear from readers, hate to think I'm talking to myself here, so don't be shy say hello!