
5:47 pm

Blue Dahlia Stripe Sleepsuit, originally uploaded by indiaeden.

We've had an exhausting week, back to school for the big ones, and the beginning of our new routine including visits to the cranial osteopath and to mum and baby yoga. Lots of bus journeys and lots of walking, all fitted in around the call of the breastpump.
We are now drowning in lovely breastmilk, no more formula! The next task is persuading Ernest to drink from the source, that's hopefully where the cranial osteopath can help out.
Meanwhile, Ernest grows, and has to put up with his Mummy taking photos of almost every outfit he wears. Here he is in his Blue Dahlia Stripe (organic cotton) sleepsuit.

Don't be shy, say hello!


  1. that baby is so scrumptious! just a thought (and you've probably done it anyway) have you tried him with different bottles (teats really) so he is not used to just one type.........if he is able to use different teat types maybe you could slip in a breast without him knowing!!! hooray for weekends xx

  2. Ooooh he is enough to make me (nearly!) broody xxx

  3. He is looking fabulous Jeanette, what a lovely wee man.

    I'm so glad Ernest's doing well, I really hope you can get him snuggled up on the boob soon.

    S xx

  4. He is looking fabulous Jeanette, what a lovely wee man.

    I'm so glad Ernest's doing well, I really hope you can get him snuggled up on the boob soon.

    S xx

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. All his outfits you made look doubly cute when they are on him!

    Good to hear that he is exclusively on bm now. Pumping sucks - you are amazing for doing it for this long!


  7. He has totally the coolest outfits ever :D

  8. You are so remarkable to be willing and able to pump so much (I was never able to express very much)! Ernest is a very lucky boy, indeed!

    I was reading a thread on Facebook the other day about older infants learning to latch and thought of you. Lots of women mentioned four month olds finally latching on, so I will be holding out hope that Ernest figures it out with all the wonderful help you are giving him.

  9. He's such a little sweetheart. I hope he takes to the breast soon.

  10. I love seeing Ernest in all his different outfits.

    You are doing an amazing job and I hope he takes to the boob soon.

  11. dmcL You are the second person this week to tell me of babie's latching at four months, that certainly gives me hope! Thank you. x

    grace, I haven't tried different teats thank you for the suggestion, I'll give it a go. x


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