
11:56 am

, originally uploaded by indiaeden.

Today Florence would have been six months old, half a year. She'd probably be sitting up, maybe even sharing my lunch. We might even have braved the rain to go on the swings at the park.
Six months ago, I didn't think I could make it through the next six minutes, nevermind the next six months. Yet, here I am.

Today is also the day I am twelve weeks pregnant. The "safe" time every pregnant woman aims for...well except maybe those of us who sadly know better.

I have so much to miss and so much to hope for, and thank you to two special people a house full of flowers.

Thank you Julie, the rainbow roses arrived this morning, and the tulips are still hanging on in that beautiful tulip way.

Oriana, the bulbs are all lovely, I can't wait to take some to Florence, they are going to look so pretty.

Don't be shy, say hello!


  1. Happy six mothe sweet Florence. xx

  2. Thinking of Florence today with love x

  3. Sending prayers and love to you, your sweet Florence and your family today.

  4. Thinking of Florence today and everyday. Hope you're feeling etter than yesterday xxx

  5. Happy six months, Florence. The flowers a beautiful!

  6. If you read back to even a month ago, your tone and style is changing so much. It's hard to say what it is exactly without it sounding contrite, but it's almost as though slowly, you're beginning to look outwards again. Does that make sense? It's good to see.
    Happy 6 months, little Florence, and thinking of your mummy today.

  7. Happy 6 months Florence, the flowers are so beautiful. Just wanted to share that I found it really hard to drink when I was pregnant but for some reason was able to drink lukewarm boiled water (sounds gross I know) and cucumber helped with my nausea I know its different for everyone though xxx

  8. Anniversaries are going to be a mixed blesssing aren't they? Thinking of you, Florence and this little one nestled in your womb.
    San xx

  9. Ah.. funny old thing, time. Plays tricks on us all doesn't it?
    Love to Florence, love to you, love to your family
    S xxx

  10. Beautiful flowers and I love spring bulbs.

    Thinking of you and Florence.


  11. 6 months...
    thinking of you all...

  12. What beautiful flowers. Thinking of you and Florence. xo

  13. what a bitter sweet day. always remembering your beautiful girl with you, and keeping you in my thoughts.

  14. well aw... our babies are just the same age.

    poor little babies :( and poor mommies :(

  15. Anonymous2:54 pm

    The flowers are beautiful. Keeping you in my prayers as always.

  16. your baby girl was beatiful- i read her story. one part that struck me was your children crying like you never want to see them crying again. my daughter sobbed in my arms through the funeral(our baby died at birth in december), and i had the same thought. peace to you in your pregnancy mama...


Hi, I love to hear from readers, hate to think I'm talking to myself here, so don't be shy say hello!