Five Years Ago

4:02 pm


Five years ago today Woody and I got married. We've been together for 18 years now,but only decided to get married five years ago. I was 17 weeks pregnant with Sid, our only guests were my best friend, Heather and her now hubby,Gary. We got married in the Town Hall, then went to a local pub for cheese pie and chips. Just perfect for us.
Today Woody and I celebrated by having lunch in a lovely little pub near to the cemetery. We popped in to see Florence first and lit her candle.
After lunch we shopped for a little gift for Florence's newest cousin, Alex James who was born healthy yesterday.
Quite a nice day really, I'm now sat here drinking some lovely herbal tea my friend bought for me, and I might even have a nap before dinner.
The sun was even shining today, and the sky was beautiful.
A good day.

Don't be shy, say hello!


  1. Thanks for sharing the beautiful photo and Congratulations! I can't wait to see pictures of AJ ;)

  2. Happy Anniversary Jeanette! I'm glad this was a good day for you and the sun chose to shine xx

  3. Happy Anniversary!

    Glad you had a good day today. xx

  4. Happy Anniversary! I am very happy about your good day.

  5. Happy Anniversary - I'm glad it was a good day :)

  6. Happy Anniversary Jeanette ;)
    Sounds like a lovely day with some very happy memories. Your wedding sounds lovely.

    If you were 17 weeks with Sid 5 years ago today that means I would have been the same with Esme, that's got me thinking! Look how much your girls have grown from that photo.... Time, playing tricks again....

    S xx

  7. Happy Anniversary!! What a lovely happy photo and i'm so glad you've had a lovely day to day!
    with love san xx

  8. Happy anniversary! What a beautiful photograph.

    Many congratulations on becoming auntie and uncle to Alex James.

    I'm so glad you had a good day. Here's to many more. xo

  9. Happy anniversary! I am so glad you had a good day!

  10. Happy Anniversary to you both. May the good days continue.

  11. Happy anniversary! Much love, sparkles, happy days and rainbows

    Sun xxxxxxxxxxx

  12. Happy Anniversary J&A - I can't believe that was 5 years ago!
    So glad it was a good day for you!

  13. Is it 5 years already?! Where does time go. And look at the girls, they've grown so much.
    Glad you had a good day :-)

  14. Happy anniversary. I love the picture xxx

  15. Happy Anniversary!

    What a lovely photo :)

  16. Happy Anniversary to both of you - I remember all the discussions about your pretty dress and finding that site in the USA that had the fabric for it ;)

  17. Happy Anniversary!

  18. Happy Anniversary! What a lovely post. It made me smile today. :)

  19. Congratulations! What a special day, celebrating your marriage and your new nephew.


  20. Anonymous10:58 pm

    Glad you had a good day. Happy Anniversary.

  21. Happy Anniversary my dear!! xxxx


Hi, I love to hear from readers, hate to think I'm talking to myself here, so don't be shy say hello!