Thank You

10:18 am

Florence's Year

Had to get Eden to paint my toe nails! A dress for Florence 39 weeks F l o r e n c e
28+4 Florence Violet Candles
Tread Lightly Mantel From beautiful friends So here he/she is!

When I was lying awake at 3am this morning, I tried to compose a post for this blog. I wanted to explain to my readers and commentors just how much you all mean to me...gosh that sounds so soppy and crap! I know some people just don't get the whole online support thing, and I know some people might consider my ramblings on here as "wallowing", and hey they are entitled to their opinions.
This blog hasn't turned out the way I planned, but then neither has life.
I just want to say thank you, to everyone who cares, I know you do, and I'm glad.
Keeping a blog that's read by friends and family is hard, I'm careful about what I say, I wouldn't ever want to hurt anyone, but if I ever have unintentionally, for that I'm truly sorry.

Don't be shy, say hello!


  1. These are beautiful photographs, Florence will always be with you xxx

  2. I wasn't sure what I'd find here today - you seemed very down the last post, but those picures made me smile - I hope they made you smile too, if only a little :-)

  3. Jeanette, it doesn't sound soppy and crap at all! And 'Thank You' back for all of your support.
    Those photos are gorgeous. x

  4. jeanette i only know you online not as a personal friend.
    it takes courage to blog your feelings online but i just want you to know you are in my prayers and your forever little baby Florence.take good care of yourself the sun will shine for you again one day.

  5. What beautiful photos. Thanks for sharing them again. I really admire you for keeping this blog going so eloquently.

    Take care of yourself in 2010

  6. The montage of photos is absolutely just right. Not an easy thing to od but well done for doing it!
    San xx

  7. The Florence photos are lovely. Seeing them has made me cry again. It's so unfair that you had such a short time with her.

    I wouldn't consider any of your thoughts as wallowing, but so what if they were?

    Love as alwaysxxx

  8. Beautiful, beautiful photos, a lovely tribute to such a beautiful baby.

  9. I agree - online friends are as supportive as IRL friends sometimes. Great idea with the photos they are all lovely x

  10. I love your photo montage for Florence. Thinking of you and thankful to have "met" you through blogland as well. xo

  11. I love the little montage you made. I thought you might want to know (I hope) that I thought of Florence when I first help my new niece. I think of your Florence often.

  12. sending love and thoughts, no words can make you feel any better, but i'm thinking of you x

  13. I feel honoured to know of Florence & thankful that you share her with us.
    Wishing you & your loved ones will see the sun in 2010.


Hi, I love to hear from readers, hate to think I'm talking to myself here, so don't be shy say hello!