Busy Old Weekend

6:25 pm

DSC_0010, originally uploaded by indiaeden.

Easter Holidays are here, and Spring is sprung, and we've all been feeling it this weekend!
Angus' birthday tree is blossoming beautifully, Woody has been all manly and cutting down horrid old pine trees that were blocking light into our garden. (I admit I was slightly worried about him while he was doing this!), and I've spring cleaned the kitchen too!


I've also been sewing. More baby stuff, are you getting bored of seeing this stuff yet?

Another kimono and trouser set

Recycled woolly wrap

Don't be shy, say hello!


  1. You're going to have the best dressed baby in town! :-)

    I wish I'd been as productive before Barney arrived, lol


  2. AHA! Lucie does baby now officially have a name?

  3. I'm not bored of seeing the baby stuff, I love it!
    Where do you find all these cute fabrics?!

  4. The owl fabric is from fabricshack.com

  5. Oh nice! I'll have to show to my grand mother what happened to her shrunk cardigan!

  6. LOL, yes Anne,I have enough left for something else too, not sure yet, maybe warm winter booties. ;0)

  7. nope not bored, I love those owls!

  8. Ohh I love the owl pattern, fab makes!!


Hi, I love to hear from readers, hate to think I'm talking to myself here, so don't be shy say hello!