For all the babies

3:52 pm

baby memorial, originally uploaded by indiaeden.

Today was our local hospital's annual baby memorial service. We didn't know what to expect, and not being believers we were a little wary of a service held in our local church.(some people reading who know me, may now be wondering why my children go to the church school, but that's a question for another day!)
Honestly, I wanted to go just to see some other real living parents of dead babies,just to reassure myself that we don't all have two heads.
I also got to see my lovely midwife.
That's Florence's balloon floating off.

Don't be shy, say hello!


  1. I heard about this a few weeks ago and wondered whether to tell you about it. For whatever reason I decided not to; but I am glad you obviously knew about it already. I hope it helped a little.

    Love Jen x

  2. See! you don't all have two heads!!!
    Glad you went it would have been very hard to go - but maybe hard not to go also?
    Big love to you. xx

  3. Beautiful photo.

    I'm sort-of in charge of organising a UK babylost bloggers meet up if you feel like meeting some other (single headed) mamas?

    Email me if you like:


  4. Thank you for all the love expressed on your blog. I read it often and learn so much.


Hi, I love to hear from readers, hate to think I'm talking to myself here, so don't be shy say hello!