Home Alone

12:00 pm

Must keep busy, must just keep busy.
There is laundry to do, even ironing,lunches to make, dinner to prepare, children to take to school, and to collect and bring home again.
Today I should have been somewhere else, but it was just too soon, so now I'm home alone. That's ok though, I need to be alone sometimes.I've got so much to do, and I've promised the girls new pyjamas, and India a new coat, and Sid new warm trousers.
I ran out of tracing fabric, stopped to eat some soup.
The mistake was stopping.
I can use baking parchment to trace the patterns, no time to sit here crying, got to keep busy.

Always with me.

Don't be shy, say hello!


  1. I'm thinking of you Jeanette (((hugs)))

  2. Your Florence is so, so beautiful Jeanette. That photo is exquisite.

    Busy hands, busy brain - there is definitely respite in that, if not comfort.

    Thinking of you, abiding with you, remembering lovely Florence.


  3. Sending big big virtual hugs

  4. Aaw sweetie XX
    One day at a time.

    The filled locket is beautiful, remember not to shower in it, I did that with a rare photo of my mum, and destroyed it, Duh!

    Thinking of you all

    Much love Tracy M

  5. (((hugs))) to you Jeanette

  6. Hugs Jeanette xxx

  7. oh Jeanette (((((hugs)))))

  8. Stopping is just as important as keeping busy.....when we stand still and just be and allow all those emotions to surface little by litle we allow healing to take place.
    Love and hugs as always
    San xx

  9. I totally get the stopping thing. Isabella's funeral is tommorow and I'm keeping myself very very busy!

    *big hugs*

  10. (((Jeanette))) as much as you need to feel busy, sometimes you just have to stop and let it out.

    The locket is a beautiful way to have your precious little girl with you all the time.

    (((hugs))) Anne xxx

  11. Look after yourself. Sometimes it's OK to stop and stare. Maybe set a time when you're on your own to let yourself grieve. I agree with being busy, but don't forget to nurture yourself Jeanette.

    The locket looks so beautiful, only the best for your little darling. Love and blesses. AM xxx

  12. Although sweetie, what the heck do I know. ;)
    Much love xxx

  13. Sweet Jeanette, you will have to stop sometime to process a little bit. Sometimes the pain can be a gift. Use it - she will be no less real if you allow yourself to let go. Every grieving mother has an amount of tears to let out and the more you release, the less it will hurt. Eventually. Only our society keeps it inside. Much love xxx

  14. Sending love and hugs.


Hi, I love to hear from readers, hate to think I'm talking to myself here, so don't be shy say hello!