
2:03 pm

Stripe sleepsuit, originally uploaded by indiaeden.

I've just finished this little stretch sleepsuit using my blue stripe fabric I had printed at Spoonflower.
Honestly I'm not at all happy with the binding and I'm almost certainly going to either rip it off and re do it or cut the whole thing down into footed leggings...hmmmm.....


Anyhow, it suddenly dawned on me this morning that I forgot to draw a winner for my last give away on Friday as promised...oops! Sorry!
So, better late than never. The winner of the dress is.....

Hope's Mama

Just drop me an email to jeanette dot archer at gmail dot com with your address, and I'll get it in the post to you asap.


right off to do some unpicking!


Crappy binding ripped out, and replaced with good old fold over elastic. Not the best rescue because I had to work around the snaps I'd already attatched,but it's a darn site better than it was.
I made a little knotty hat too.

With a knotty hat

Rescued...a bit

Don't be shy, say hello!


  1. I love that little outfit!

  2. Cute outfit! I love it a lot more with the FOE, I think the colour goes better.

  3. that looks absolutely fantastic, I keep meaning to try FOE, now I am definitely going to! Btw did you use a pattern? I keep meaning to try and make footed trousers as they are so fab for bwing, but can't fathom out how to draft the foot/ankle bit!

  4. wow, I won! Off to email you now. Thanks so much!


Hi, I love to hear from readers, hate to think I'm talking to myself here, so don't be shy say hello!