Silk Indio Ring Sling

1:32 pm

Silk Indio Ring Sling, originally uploaded by indiaeden.

Photos just don't do this fabric justice, it's soft and beautiful, and I'm so so lucky, because the fabby Mamas at Slinging In The Rain bought me this piece of Silk Indio Didymos for my birthday,and I quickly whipped it up into a ring sling all ready for baby.
I can't stop petting it, it's so soft and scrumptious!
I have one teeny tiny scrap left that I think I might try and make a little softie for the baby from too.

Modelled with bump and doll

Don't be shy, say hello!


  1. I am so broody and your blog is just egging me on!


Hi, I love to hear from readers, hate to think I'm talking to myself here, so don't be shy say hello!