
2:06 pm

The advent calendars are up, and I'm sewing decorations. The presents are bought and wrapped. Tonight is the first performance of the infant school nativity.Looks like it's going to be Christmas.
We have been planning ways to include Florence this Christmas. I think that's why I'm not freaking out, at least not yet.
Honestly I'm not at all sure how I feel about the forthcoming celebrations, apart from the obvious.

Today I went back to Slingmeet for the first time in months, and the first time since Florence was born. I knew I had to go back today or I never would. Actually it wasn't too bad. Lots of newbies who don't know my history, and a few regulars who I feel safe with.
I think I may have rambled on a little more than usual when doing demos, I was definately nervous, and I very almost cried on a couple of people,but mostly I coped.
There was one awkward moment chatting to a lovely pregnant lady when I thought the conversation may turn to the dreaded question,but I was rescued by my co leader who was keeping an eye on me.

Maybe I can get through this month if I just keep on keeping on, that's what has worked so far.

Don't be shy, say hello!


  1. Jeanette it was lovely to see you today. It must have been difficult with all the pregnant women and very young babies around you but you didn't look at all nervous and certainly not rambling!

    Hope to see you at the next meet


  2. So glad you came. It felt like slingmeet again. Definitely not the same without you. xx

  3. well done, you brave woman! Sounds like your presence was warmly welcomed as well.

    Keep on, keeping on, mama.

  4. You were very brave to go back so soon, wish I could have been there for you as well!

  5. It was great to have you back today, I'm really pleased you made it. Hopefully now you've taken the first step it'll get easier each month.

    Debby (sorry, logged in as Mark again as he's the one with the google account)

  6. Sending much love your way Jeanette, I think about you so often and would have loved to see you today. I bet slingmeet hasn't been the same without you. Must have taken a great deal of courage to go though xxx

  7. You are really brave Jeanette. So glad you did it. I know slingmeets wouldn't have been the same without you xxx

  8. In awe of your poise going to the slingmeet. You will help so many mothers in the months and years ahead I'm sure. Sending you love and crying thinking of how hard that must have been to take that first step back.


Hi, I love to hear from readers, hate to think I'm talking to myself here, so don't be shy say hello!