People Are Good

12:58 pm

Violet, originally uploaded by indiaeden.

I've written and deleted so many posts on this subject,but I'm lost. I just can't articulate what it is I feel each time I receive a message, a letter an email or like today this beautiful watercolour, from Ann Marie.
I'm overwhelmed by the kindness of people, by how much Florence has touched their lives, and I'm so thankful to know so many wonderful people hold my family in their hearts.
But in the words of my good friend Jacqui's Grandfather, "People Are Good".

Don't be shy, say hello!


  1. Brought tears to my eyes. How beautiful.

  2. this is so beautiful xx

  3. Anonymous3:40 pm

    what a beautiful painting.

  4. The frame looks great with it Jeanette. Glad you like it. xxxx

  5. What a precious remembrance.

  6. that is so beautiful xx

  7. Absolutely gorgeous watercolor. What a special way to commemorate your gorgeous picture with your Daughter.


Hi, I love to hear from readers, hate to think I'm talking to myself here, so don't be shy say hello!