And the prize for the worst photo ever...

10:52 am

More pj's, originally uploaded by indiaeden.

...goes to me! I made two more pairs of Pj's after my post yesterday. These take only minutes to run up. Ikea cotton, fold over elastic waistbands, easy peasy!
(Wow! I sound almost perky!)
Ikea fabric

Don't be shy, say hello!


  1. Anonymous11:02 am

    Those look comfy and beautiful - wish I had the pattern, looking for something simple like this forever here in Germany...;-)

  2. Right, that's it! I am making me some of these bad boys!

    (see how I'm trying to keep up the perky tone - go us!)


Hi, I love to hear from readers, hate to think I'm talking to myself here, so don't be shy say hello!